Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sledding Anyone?

Sledding at 50!!!

I received a call today inviting me to go sledding with a group of High School Friends. I had to smile at the thought of 50 year olds planning a sledding get together... It made me wonder where the past 40 plus year went. The last time we all probably went sledding was in our teenage years... What a flash back to the past... Although I opted to snowshoe instead of sledding ( not wanting to re-injure my back) it was a blast to watch everyone enjoy the beauty of the winter.

I have struggled recently with the snow only being somewhat of a nuisance not really appreciating the beauty of our winter this year. After this weekend and being out on the trails snowshoeing, I'm thrilled to say the beauty was priceless. I am thankful for the awe of the stunning landscape in upstate New York and to see it covered in a blanket of snow was quite spectacular!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Don't Forget to Unwrap the Present?

Are You Present to The Present?

Being Present to being present is a gift.... Many times we are present physically but emotionally we are not present. Being aware of the present sometimes takes a conscience effort.

The Now, this moment in life, the present is all we are promised. It's been all too real during this month of December with what happened in CT and locally in Webster.

2013 is fast approaching, and the reality of the "speed of life" is as real as the speed of sound.... Be Present to being Present... Embrace this moment, this day with love awe and wonder...
It's all we are given, the Present...
Don't forget to open it up!

Unwrapping the Love of the Present in the Present....

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Finding a Good Doctor....

Is There a Doctor in the House?

One hazard of my passion for writing is hand issues, especially my thumbs. You see, I prefer writing on my iPhone, not so good for my thumbs, not so good for my eyes either.
I've had thumb issues for about two years now. I have waited for the right timing to have them evaluated. Today was that day. As I walked into Dr. Tomainos office I was greeted by an incredibly warm and caring staff.
I had stopped in over a year ago to make an appointment to have my hand check, but my timing was off. I met a staff member back then, her name was the same as mine...
Not knowing what Amy's job was for
Dr Tomaino I was taken by her friendly personality and thought what a great women to be friends with...
Amy is the Nurse Practitioner for Dr Tomaino along with other hats she wears for him.
My whole experience today at the office of Dr. Tomaino Orthopedic Care was such a wonderful surprise. A Doctor who truly educates, cares about, and is present to your needs. What an awesome experience to have during a doctors visit! There's a great doctor in the house .... A Shoulder hand and elbow specialist , with all the technology messing up our joints I recommend keeping his name "Hand"y!!!

Living life filled with love awe and wonder....

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Bloom ....

Full Bloom

I waited so long to be watered
sat dry for so many years.
Yearning for a tender touch,
And Music that would bring tears…
I see the "Full bloom" now
The beauty of its care
All I needed was someone
who could teach me to dare...
You allowed me to be
Encouraged me to see
And showed me how to be me......
Your gentle touch,
Encouraging words
that poured out of that heart
of yours
Allowed me, this "Full Bloom"
As Its beauty sat waiting for someone to enter my room.
This Christmas was the perfect time
to see my heart’s desire
Its blossom now Full bloom
Filled with Love that many
may admire.
As I flourish and grow
I reap the blessings of what I sow.
It took someone to believe in me, someone to care,
Someone I love
and will always hold dear...
You helped me to nurture this
"Full Bloom"
You showed me how to water it
through all the tears
And its beauty
was brought back to life
after so many dying years...
The you of yesterday,
the me of today
Seeing in myself what you shared
during that faithful year...
This Christmas plant
come back to life
a bud, a blossom, now a "Full Bloom"
all because you showed me
It was I that always had it
when I entered the room....

Aweider Rewrite 12.25.12©
Original written 12.25.10 3:30 pm ©

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Search for My Balance

Faith Without Guilt...

I searched for my balance
I yearn to find
Without compromising my faith
I most not leave it behind.
My God, His love all from above
I search for my balance
I yearn to find
A life here on earth
With an open mind
Exposed to new thinking
Music and such
Tapping and meditating
Poetry and touch
I searched for my balance
Hoping to find
A peace from within
A joy from above
A life filled with an abundance of Love...

4:51 am 12.2.10 Amy

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Old Man Winter

Old Man Winter and Mother Nature

I got wondering about... Old Man Winter, knowing the snow was arriving this weekend...
And I thought...
What about Mother Nature?
Mother Nature is what dictates Old Man winter, well will you look at that... What a family!
The women ultimately is in control of the man... Mother Nature deciding just when Old Man Winter will arrive, how much of himself he should share and when it's time for him to leave...

So why not Father Nature and Old Broad Winter? Well, I think we know the answer to that! For one thing Father Nature wouldn't stop and ask for directions so we know that would mess things up! And Old Broad Winter? Well, she could take a really long time to get here... Especially if she's on her own schedule!

So maybe, just maybe, the law of nature is as perfect as it should be...

And here we are... It's 12.22.12 and we are all still here...
Thank you Mother Nature

Love being in Awe...while loving the Wonder of it all...

What are some life thoughts you think about?

Friday, December 21, 2012

Fly Over the Moon

The Moon

If I could fly
I would fly to the moon
No... If I could fly
I would fly over the moon
And I would take you with me.
We could see the world from a view
few seldom every see..
Fly away with me
and see
what we have always
yearned to be...

Aweider 12.14

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Reflections of Reflecting Back on life!

The Beauty of Reflections

I was reflecting back on the people I have met in 2012, my lessons, the gifts I received from my new friends as well as old ones, I am in awe of this past year!

It made me wonder about reflections... And reflecting back on life. Not living in the past, but receiving and growing by reflecting on the past.

I meet some wonderful new people in 2012 it was my best year for personal growth on many levels.

I lost a friend to "choice" she choose to walk way, I choose to grow in Love... Waiting for her return...

I had a "break up" ... A life lesson in Self Love and honoring Me!

I "hit bottom" at one point, a place I had to go in order to be at the incredible place I am now.
For that I am extremely grateful ...

I joined a dating sight for the first and last time.... What I learned was acceptance of others...and that's where I found self love!

I found that amazing Love, which I have searched for my whole life...
Self Love...
What a journey that was...

I followed my passion for Living life filled with Love, Awe and Wonder. That passion allowed me to travel, meet incredible people, and learn more about myself and the world around me than ever before.

This year I signed a contract to publish a book... Not even sure how that happened... Except I followed my dream... I loved, I was in Awe and I wondered more about Life then ever before...

As I continue to reflect on some amazing people, places and experiences I am looking forward to what 2013 has in store..
Maybe More!!!

Have you sat quietly and reflected on this past year? You will be amazed at the blessings you will find...

Here are a few of mine....
(Old and New in no particular order)

Pam, Patti, Stella, Chuck, Addie, Patty, Deb, Cyndi, Diane , Corrine, Jimmy, Ginger, Clark, Jim, Joanne, Ken, Donna, Ray, Brad, Cindy, Marvin, Roger, Doug, Sharon, Bob, Jodi, Carla, Nick, Jon, Kate, Mark, Karolyn, Sue, MaryBeth, George, Nicole, Lisa, Cher, and the year ended with a special treat, Michael...
And that's just to name a few....

What a gift I have received this past year!

In Awe of my blessings...

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"Want a Sandwich? no thanks but I could use a straight jacket"!

Caring For Loved Ones is Truly a Gift...

I'm honored to be caring for my parents at their age. My mom 87, with dementia and my dad 88 with some failing physical health.

Living with dementia is very difficult for anyone, let alone an elderly person who has their own health issues.
After a very frustrating hour with my mother refiguring out the Christmas gifts and cards I knew my dad was frustrated but in a loving way. He is a care taker by nature and continues to care for his wife and adult children the best way he can at his age.

To have my dad around is a gift to me. I am moved to have the time to be able to spend with him at this point in our lives. The love and care he has always shown me, blesses me daily.

His humor is another gift to me, as we spend our time together I love his one liners and am amazed at his quick wit.

I asked him if I could pick him up a sub sandwich for lunch and his reply was "no thanks but I could use a straight jacket"!

I just laughed, he smiled, we connected once again on a very special level.... Both of us looking at my mom insisting on recounting the boxes in the bag, we both felt the deep connection with each other and a love and appreciation for one another....

My goal is to keep him as safe and healthy as I can...
Care taking loved ones truly is a gift!

Love unconditionally,
Embrace generously,
Listen wholeheartedly...

Are there loved ones in your family who could use some TLC?

Living life filled with Love, Awe and Wonder....

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Silenced ...

I've been silenced by the tragedy last week in Newtown CT. I'm not sure how to process what happened, my mind goes into shutdown mode, a denial of sorts I guess. I'm not one to read the paper or even watch much TV. Not because I don't care about what's happening in the world because I do. I guess sometimes the sad events of this world affect me in away I would rather not have to think about. I pray for all the families that have lost loved ones... This whole country has been affected in a way that I pray will change for the good.

Heaven received its share of little angels last week, we received a lesson on living in the moment and loving in the moment...knowing no hour is guaranteed.

My heart breaks for the lost lives of this sickening tragedy.

Love someone today ... In spite of any "stuff" you may be holding on to.

Live TODAY ...
LOVE today
BE Present Today...

Sending my love warmth and peace to Newtown CT....

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Sugar Plum Fairy Danced in My Head!


My intentions were good
But may be misunderstood
I intended to eat Less
But got myself in a mess
Two days later
Cookies and such
I found myself I had eaten to much
Looking forward to the gym
I couldn't wait to spin
Why do holidays do this to us?
As we over eat, we make such a fuss
Those sugar plums
that dance in my head
Next time I'll leave them instead!
Give me fish, give me veggies
Give me food that is healthy and such
I feel better when I don't eat so much!
Some judge their holidays
By what the scale may say
Some use their ribs to
guide there extra display..
I say there's always another day
It's what's in our heart
that makes the difference anyway
Off to the gym
Off to my class
On dancer
On prancer
To work off my ass...

A weider 12.26.10 6:00 am

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Gift I Opened

The Gift I Gave Myself...

I've come to realize my gift to myself this past year was learning many life lessons from others.... And opening the gifts I have received from them...

This saying came to me a few months ago ...
"My past is not my future but it has taught me to live in the present"

To be able to live in the present is another gift I have given myself this year.

When I look back at all my connections with others and allow myself to understand the depth and timing of each connection, I am amazed at what I have learned....

Here are a few lessons I have personally learned from others that have crossed my life path over the past several years...

What did "They" Teach Me?
To honor myself
To accept myself
To love myself
To free myself
To forgive myself
To find my authentic Self
To be honest with myself

What I found in myself was...
My Truth, personal acceptance, love, Awe, wonder, an authentic Centeredness, living in the moment and more love for others and myself then I ever thought possible.

The Gift... Self Awareness!

What non tangible gift have you given yourself this year?

In Awe of the one true Love,
Self Love...

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Eyes

The Eyes

The eyes of the unknown
         What do you see?
In the eyes of another?
             Could it be?

     Sadness or despair
Joy and belief
     All in the eyes
Of someone you see…

A Weider  12.1.11©

Everyone Has A Story....

The Depth of People

I was at a holiday reunion party last night, what a wonderful time. I loved seeing old classmates, which made me wonder. All the faces of the once young teenage friends now all aged with wisdom lines, wrinkles to some, life lessons to me.

I love people and their stories, where they have been, where they are going. I can never listen enough. There is so much wisdom to be shared once you can get past the mindless chatter of what people think they are suppose to talk about.

Life has moved fast for all of us...
No longer foolish teenage, now, hopefully wise adults...

Taking the time to listen to someone keeps me in Awe...

At a second venue last night I met a man, that I sensed had an incredible story to tell. I shared with him how I loved to write and I wanted to hear his life story... I innocently ask to listen to a stranger... His reaction surprised me.
He looked shocked, flattered, and even honored to think "someone" would care enough to want to listen to his story . He said I made him feel important, to which I replied, "not important but Special"
And I thought...
We are all Special in Gods eyes...

For me listening to someone's life story keeps me in Love, Awe and Wonder.
I love people, I am in Awe of their stories, and I wonder what lessons can be learned...

Will you Listen to someone's story today, and be open to a life lesson?

In awe of people ...

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Try Walking In Someone Else's Shoes...

I'm Not Cinderella!

I realized last night when I looked at one of my closest friends shoes just how tiny her feet were!
I couldn't help but want to
"walk in her shoes" or at least try them on...

What I realized is no one can truly ever walk in someone else's shoes...
There are too many differences...

Over the years I wanted "others" to understand the pain I went through in a situation I was in... Only to realize no one can truly understand someone else's trials... It took years to let go of that desire of someone understanding...

And here I am today, seeing a life metaphor first hand with a friend and her tiny little feet ...

Life is good! Walking in your own shoes is even Better!!!!

Loving the Wonder of it All....

The Presence of the Present....

The Presence of the Present

When I am in the presence of the present
Nothing is impossible
I am able to breathe
And live today
And not worry about tomorrow

When I am in the presence of the present
Nothing is impossible
The strength I feel
Seems so real
I can feel and feel and feel

When I am in the presence of the present
Nothing is impossible
Life seems manageable
Dreams attainable

When I am in the presence of the present
Nothing is impossible
Love seems real
Hope has a whole new feel

When I am in the presence of the present
I embrace me, love me
feel me, believe in me...

When I am in the presence of the present
And don't think about tomorrow
The joy that comes over me
Releases all my sorrow...

As I receive the present of
living in the present
I embrace my life
never fearing tomorrow...
(Copyright) 2010 Aweider

What a gift to recieve the present...

Are you able to Live in the Presence of the Present?

Living life filled with Love Awe and Wonder...

Monday, December 10, 2012

17,500 Extra ?

No Cookies Worth It!!!

And it starts...
The goodies or shall I say crap we start eating for the next four weeks!
I already feel the " fluffiness" of the white flour, sugar and alcohol.
This merry season to feel jolly, is making me crazy already.

Like I need to go out of my way to consume extra non productive calories...

I realized the other morning as I stepped on my scale and thought OMG... Two parties can put on five pounds that fast ( water retention I hope)
It hit me...and I thought "No cookie is worth an hour of my time!!!"

All the working out at the gym to burn off a cookie of two just doesn't seem worth the time anymore ...

I saw this saying on Facebook this morning
"The key to healthy eating is not eating any food that has a commercial" well said Mr Smarty Pants!

So if I truly put on five extra pounds then I consumed an extra 17,500 calories in two days ... Really? give me a break !!!

You can go away Now.... holiday food

How much weight can you gain overnight?

Just wondering if I'm the only one?

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Friends Are Gifts...

Gifts Everywhere!

It's the Christmas season, a time to give.... a time to receive. I've come to realize there are gifts everywhere...
It is up to us whether or not we receive them, truly open them and enjoy them...

The unseen gift of people, connections, and friendships are gifts often missed by some.

I was reminded this weekend the precious gift of friends. Old friends and new friends.... Friends are priceless, acceptance of others, unconditional love and the authentic embrace of one another is a gift to be opened daily.

I have friends I have known for 47 years... And friends I've only just met... All are gifts to be cherished.

They say...
" People come into your life for a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime... "

I say...
"No matter the length of time someone is in your life, embrace everyone as a precious gift."

Not all gifts fit, not all gifts work with your decor, and not all gifts are what you asked for...

Having an appreciation and open heart to receiving and accepting ALL people makes the difference.

I have been blessed to receive an unbelievable amount of friendships in my lifetime... Not all are perfect, I've made mistakes, but this I know without a doubt...
Each and every person I have ever met has been a precious Gift to me
and for everyone who has ever touched my life I am eternally grateful...

There are Gifts everywhere you look!

It's time to start opening more Gifts,
Who will you connect with today?

And to my new gift, my Book Mentor Sharon, thank you for giving me the gift of your friendship, laughter, and encouragement....

In Awe of the Wonder of Loving People
And laughing together....

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Naughty List....

I Had to Know!!!

There he was again sitting on his throne of lies ... Telling a sweet little boy about the North Pole and how all the good little girls and boys would get presents on Christmas. I stood and listened and wondered how had we gotten to such a crazy place of a jolly old soul lying to little children...

I was and probably will continue to be an encourager of such a bunch of lies. I hope to teach my grandchildren someday it's a birthday celebration for Jesus and Santa brings the birthday gifts ..
That sounds honest enough ...

Well, I had to know.... so I asked Santa if I was on the naughty list this year...

He looked at me ... "His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!"

And said....
Twas that night before thanksgiving when all through the house not a roommate was stirring not even a mouse... Your stockings were hung over the bathtub with care, thinking Santa Nichols would never know you've been there...

I stopped him dead in his tracks not wanting to know exactly what he did already know.... so I said,
"Ok Santa I get the picture... It's the naughty list again this year!!! I won't bother making you cookies either since you won't be stopping anyhow..."
Ho ho ho ....

In Wonder...

Under the Mistletoe...

Kiss and Tell

Standing under the mistletoe had me wondering .... Wondering about all the boys I've kissed since my first kiss ...

I was in 10th grade and a boy named Chip, I guess an appropriate name back in those days... Kissed me on the back of his minibike. Something I always wanted, a minibike, but my dad said "no it was to dangerous" I'm thinking now after a second divorce ... No more dangerous then men! Well, I got a ring from my dad and my first kiss from a boy!
And my Dad.... he could have warned me a little bit more about the danger of boys!!!!

I can't help but wonder about the number of boys I've kissed over the years. Kissing takes chemistry and when you find a compatible kisser it's quite lovely. At my age I've been looking for that "Last first kiss".

Being single, in my 50's, and still kissing the boys keeps me youthful.
I may not be on the back of a minibike anymore, but I'm thinking I need to put kissing on the back of a motorcycle on my bucket list!!! Maybe, I just may come full circle and that motorcycle kiss someday may just be my "last first kiss"!

Do you remember your first kiss?
Have you had your last first kiss?

In Awe of a great kisser ....
And I personally know one!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Peaches Cafe

I'm always amazed when I find a great place that I never realized existed. Peaches Cafe is a wonderful upscale dinner in Webster. The owner originally owned Charlie Browns on Goodman St.
The value of my delicious home cooked meal was well worth it!
So when you are in Webster and near the Webster plaza on Holt Rd stop in and try Peaches Cafe.... Tell them you read about it !!!
Peaches Cafe
925 Holt Rd, Ste 100, Webster, NY, 14580
Between Rt-104 and RT-404

In Awe of finding new places ....

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Seasons of Our Life....

The Seasons of Life

Looking all around me,
I've lived through many seasons.
The Springtime of my life..
Renewing myself
Growth from within
Excitement of the unknown
The summertime of my life..
Smiles, warmth, embracing life
A feeling of love,
A feeling of wholeness
A feeling of being free
The fall time of my life
Brings me joy
Expressing life through vivid colors
Embracing the old,
looking forward to the new
Seeing the abundance
of life all around...
The love deep within
The smiles and the grin
The wintertime of my life
Cold, beautiful, breathtaking
Dark, peaceful, calming
Loney, growth, refining
We all have seasons in life..
Which will you choose?
Where will you live?
How will you grow?
In this season of your life...

AmyW 12.16.10 5:49am

Picture compliments of:

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Words To Live By ...

"Everything's Going To Be Ok"

Words I spoke to a loved one recently. "Everything's going to be OK"... The uncertainty of a situation, the trusting of knowing everything will be ok... Life throws trials at all of us..

Trials are a place of growth ...
Growth is a time of refinement...
Refinement is a moment of realization...
Realization is the space of truth
Truth is an acceptance of life
Life is a precious gift to be lived

The gift of truly living life is all because of life's uncertainties, and its trails...

"Everything's going to be OK..."
Words to trust, words to live by,
Words to believe in and words to growth with...

In awe of Words...

Thinking of You...

Morning Friend

Thinking of you
and your sorrow
as I woke up
thinking about my tomorrow...
Poetry seems to flow,
when life's uncertainly comes
and I don't know...
I have tears and fears for what was shared
A private matter
As you know
Sharing Gods love as it flows...
A hopeless place
Wanting to fix
Wanting to love
Wanting to help this case...
Tears flow
As I don't know
What to do to make it better
For me and for you...
Your loss
My fear
All our love
over all the years.
I'm here for you
And I know the same is true
For me from you...
Please pray
For what's at hand
And believe with me
It's all in Gods perfect plan...
This lesson, one of trust and faith
Because God promises
He won't give us more
than we can take...
I love you Cyndi
Amy 12.3.12

In Love and Awe of the gift of Friendship over all these years ...

Monday, December 3, 2012

I Smile...

I Smile....

When I think of you
I smile
And when I think you too
I smile
But when I think of you...
I really smile....

I am blessed to have many wonderful people in my life who put a smile on my face...
Few can take it away
and only if I allow them...

I remind myself daily of the gift of others...
People, truly are precious gifts in our lives...
Not to be taken for granted,
but to be loved, cherished and honored.

Who makes you smile?
Who really makes you smile?

Always Wondering....

Sunday, December 2, 2012

People Who Need People...

"First Be A Person
Who Needs People"

I woke up this morning thinking about
People ... One of my favorite songs came to mind from the 1960's
Barbara Streisand's "People"

I'm a people who needs people and I feel like one of the luckiest people in the world!

I love connection, I love people... I stopped to give my best friend a hug at work yesterday... What I saw was women who was alive and vibrant in the presence of people ... I too am one of those people ... Other people bring me alive, their energy, their spirit, their passions, all bring a sense of love and oneness to my life and my heart... Some may not understand, some too blinded to care outside themselves, and others searching only for their destination missing the beauty of People on their journey through life...

For me I'm a people who needs people and I AM one of the luckiest people in the world!!!

Those precious lyrics....

"People who need people
Are the luckiest people in the world
Were children needing other children
And yet letting our grown-up pride
Hide all the need inside
Acting more like children than children
Are very special people
They're the luckiest people in the world
With one person,
One very special person
A feeling deep in your soul
Says you are half now you're whole
No more hunger and thirst
But first be a person who needs people
People, people who need people
Are the luckiest people in the world."

Remember to FIRST be a person who needs people...

Loving the Awe and Wonder of People...

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Tree Heaven

"A Little Hidden Tree Treasure"
Charlie Brown Heaven...

An annual tradition for my family is
a trip to Remelts Tree Farm. Started back in the 1960's, still run by family, this sweet farm has been a staple to our family for nearly 2O years . Each year seems to change, this year no exception. Cutting a tree with my daughter and son in law was no different ... A family tradition of finding the one tree that no one wants and bringing it home for a Christmas celebration has been such fun over the years... Some years the tree has been so "Charlie Brown" that they just smile and we get a great deal...
There are rows and rows of beautiful trees which attract the masses...
For us, we stick to the few rows of less fortunate trees and they seem to make our Christmas picture perfect!!

In Awe and Wonder of life's Journey

Check out Remelts
6359 East River Rd
Hours Sat 9-4. Sun 10-4

Celebrating the Season...

The Reason...
Mothers, Daughters Friends...

Christmas is almost here again. Celebrating this time of year with friends and family is a blessing. I spent the evening last night with my daughter and several of my friends, in addition to several hundred women, all celebrating the meaning of the Christmas season ...
I love the Christmas story from scripture and wanted to share it with you ....

Luke 2:1-20
New International Version (NIV)

The Birth of Jesus
2 In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. 2 (This was the first census that took place while[a] Quirinius was governor of Syria.) 3 And everyone went to their own town to register.

4 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. 5 He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. 6 While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.

8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”
15 When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”

16 So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. 17 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. 19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. 20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.

No matter what your personal beliefs are, take a moment to remember the Reason for this Season ....
The Christmas Story....
And as you are exchanging gifts with your loved ones this year, remember the Gift God has given You...

In Awe of Gods Love....