Thursday, February 21, 2013

"Out of the Pan..."

Out of the Cake Pan....

You know that old saying "Out of the box.." Well, when I saw this cake, all I could think of was "Out of the cake pan"

It had me in Awe...and Wonder...

I love those who push the limits in all that they do, they certainly are an inspiration...

This baker has encouraged me to think harder and more creatively...
Out of my box and now out of the cake pan...

How will you look at something differently today?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I saw this post on FB and I couldn't help wondering about Teeth and their importance in our life...

We make our first impression with them
Eat with them
Talk through them
Send gestures with them

Some teeth effect people's confidence
While others build their confidence...
We are given two sets, a trial set to practice with, 20 in all... Then the permanent set which all 32 of them will take us to infinity and beyond...

Did you know ?
Teeth are the beginning process of our digestive system.
They are the hardest substance in our body.
And without teeth there would be no more eating chocolate...

So make sure you take care of your teeth and they will take good care of you...

"Teeth, they do your body good"

In Awe of the human body

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Greatest is Love....

"Love Never Fails"

1 Corinthians chapter 13
talks about Love ...

"Love is patient, love is kind... It always protects, always trust, always hopes, always preserves..."

Share your Love on this day called Valentines Day... Take an extra special moment today to love someone who may not know love, may not expect love and show them how sharing LOVE never fails....

Who will you be a Valentine to today?

In love awe and wonder ....

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Spread the Love

Love vs Unforgiveness

"Don't plant anything but Love"

Love is life
Unforgiveness is death

We have a choice to choose our life path...

I've experienced both and the only thing unforgiveness does is keeps you in a place of anger and darkness...

A forgiving person frees themselves up to experiences an incredible sense of Love "Spread the Love"

"Don't plant anything but Love"
(Quote and picture compliments of a FB friends post...thank you Dianne)

What will you Plant today ?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Gods Giant Snow Globe

The Snow Globe

I lived in a snow globe one winter several years ago. The beauty of this past snowstorm reminded me of that particular winter.

It seemed like every time I looked out the window, and the snow was falling, it was as if God had shook up the earth sharing His love and I was in the comfort of His hands. As I witnessed that beautiful sight it was like living in the hands of Gods giant snow globe.

That year was another year of personal growth for me, a time of emotional
healing from personal pain. I was thankful for the beauty that surrounded me that winter as well as the beauty that surrounded me yesterday.

I experienced Gods giant snow globe once again...what a gift from above!

In awe of the beauty that surrounds me...

Have you lived in the comfort of Gods giant snow globe recently?

Friday, February 8, 2013

Monsters Under my Bed or Just in My Head?

Monsters Under the Bed
Or Just in Your head?

There's Monsters under my bed
So I thought in my head...
Today I know better
I live by the letter
Those monsters under my bed
I think took up residence in my head!
Following my passion
Is a dream come true
Sometimes I get stuck
Sometimes that makes me blue...
It's who I am,
What drives me a lot
That has gotten me into this hot spot...
A deadline to be had
Really isn't so bad
It's those monsters in my head
I wish they would go back under my bed!

Copyright 2.8.13

Monster picture compliments of

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Inspiration From Others

When Technology Works

I'm not a big fan of technology. Sometimes the stress doesn't seem quite worth the convenience. This morning I was inspired by several inspirational stories shared on Facebook....

Without this crazy world of technology I may never have gotten to see those stories and have been inspired... And for that I am extremely grateful.

Connors unconditional love for his brother Cayden is a true role model for all to see. When we wonder about children today and their future, Conner and his brother Cayden's story brings a sense of HOPE to this world...
Thank you Mr and Mrs Long for the beautiful children you are raising!

In total AWE this morning

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

One Word...

One Word

It only takes one word to change the meaning of a sentence. One word to make someone smile, one word to show appreciation and one word to change a life...

What you choose to say with one word can make the difference between being positive or negative, Encouraging or discouragement, happy or sad.

What one word will you say today that will change a life ? Even if its your own life...

Love Awe and Wonder

Do you see what I see?
(Picture compliments of my sister
in San Francisco)
Love from coast to coast

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Precious to All, Healed With Gold...

The Beauty of Being Cracked....

The Japanese believe a cracked piece of pottery is made more beautiful when mended with gold. How very true...

"As humans, like pottery, when broken, if we can realize the beauty of our cracks and see the gold used to mend ourselves we are made that much more beautiful when healed."

We all have had a crack or two, over a
lifetime... Some have far more cracks, but just imagine the beauty of each individual as they are mended with gold...

Today, see the beauty of yourself healed in the most precious substance... You are a masterpiece created by the master completely healed by love seen in the form of precious gold ...

Live and let live
You are precious in the sight of those who love you unconditionally...
Broken or whole.

In awe of Love

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sometimes There's Love...

Sometimes M.L.F
There's Love and There's Love

Sometimes we can love everything. Sometimes not so much
Sometimes we fall in love
Sometimes to a simple touch.
Sometimes love is instant
Other times it moves slow
Either way when you fall in love
You will know which way to go...
Sometimes we find the love of our life
Sometimes that love causes strife
Sometimes we don't see the love ahead
Sometimes we make mistakes instead
An effortless love connection
is hard to find
Two giving to each other is more than kind
Sometimes we fall in love
Sometimes it's a blessing from above...
I have found few loves in my life
This love just seems so right!

Aweider 2.2.13

A Woman and the Sunshine

A Woman and the Sunshine

Her warmth shines through
Her glow all around
Life floushing
One blends into the other
The warmth of the sun
Its glow aboundently shines
Because of them...
Life flourishes
Life is renewed
A woman and the sunshine
Their ability to sustain life
An endless power from both
If allowed the right exposure...

Aweider 4.12.11 4:38am
(photo compliments of my nephew Devin living in Japan)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Connected as Love Should Be...

Connected, as Love Should Be....

Are the moon and the stars connected?
A connection beyond understanding...
Individuals, yet one
up high
lighting up the sky
Connected from the start
As love should be...
Is the sun in the sky connected?
Life illuminated, sun rays
sunrise to sunset...
As love should be...
What is air connected to?
Something so powerful
You can’t live without
never seen, never felt....
Perhaps not understood...
its depth known only by two lovers
Something so strong and powerful,
life giving as the air we breathe…
The breath of life
the breath of love
All Gods perfect plan
given from above
Gods creation... Us
Gods intent ... Us
a connection beyond understanding
Individuals, yet one
Are the clouds and rain drops
One brings life to the other
without the clouds
there would be no rain...
Without a “you” there would be no “us”
The rain, the flowers, the grass,
the trees all connected...
One feeds the other...
One allows the other to flourish
to grow, to breathe and to live free...
As love should be...
Rain brings life in abundance...
A connection beyond understanding...
Individuals, yet one
Are the grass and the earth connected?
It's very life exists,
being fed from the ground ...
Soil, by itself is nothing...
Yet together

In combination with the connection from above
is everything!
As love should be…

Life so visible yet so invisible
Love invisible yet so visible.
The moon, the stars, the sky
the sun, the air, the clouds,

the rain, the grass, the flowers, the ground...
All connected...
Without one or the other life just wouldn't survive...
Beauty all around needs a connection to thrive...
As love should be...
The connection we have is sustained by the breath of life
The breath of love
the miracle of life’s wonder,
A connection beyond understanding...
Individuals, yet one...
As love should be…©

Aweider  2010


Thursday, January 31, 2013

Note to "Self"

I Had a Conversation
with My "Self " Today...

My body keeps talking to me and frankly I don't want to listen....

It said to me this morning ...
"Self, listen to me, you better slow down and I mean it!" Oh course I told it to mind its own business and yes it talked back to me and said...
"Self, you are my business!!!"

Loving, the LOVE "mySELF" has for me...

What kind of love do you have for

In Awe and wonder of loving ones Self....

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

There's No Place Like Home...

I'm Home....

Back home in my own house, my own bed. I met some awesome people at "Move People to Action" who all are following their dreams.

I look forward to sharing at "There's a Book Inside You, Now What?"
A seminar given by local Author Sharon Grace.

I am following my passion, something I hope to encourage others to do also.

What are your desires, passions, dreams?

What would it take for you to follow them?

And if you could do something today with no worries, what would you do?

Now, go out and live your life ...
You only have ONE to live.... Enjoy!

In awe of taking that first step...

Monday, January 28, 2013

Moving People to Action

"Move People To Action..."
Wendy Lipton-Dibner

I just spent 4 days at a wonderful speakers conference...
Called "Move People To Action..."
I love meeting and learning about others... As my personal journey continues through others, learning about them and myself, I continue to look forward to my future and the path I will follow...
One area I would love to share and speak on is...
"Life's journey and what we learn about ourselves through loving others..."
A very simple concept and an incredible place to live... A life filled with Love, Awe and Wonder...
Connecting, embracing, loving others truly teaches us incredible lessons about self love...

Who will you love today... And

If you had access to all the time and money in the world but first had to share some love with someone...
What would that look like to you?

Just wondering...

(Picture with Bob Doyle everyone knew who he was but me!!! A nice feeling, not being in Awe of his past but enjoying who he is in the present...)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ability to Change Many Lives...

Changing a Life

Today I am in Stamford CT at a "Move People To Change" conference which starts today...
Last night my roommates and I went to PF Chang's for dinner...
And wouldn't you know it, my fortune said " I have the ability to touch many lives" perfect!!!

I believe we ALL have the ability to touch many lives..,

Who's life will you touch today ?

In awe of wonder ...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


There is something so Precious about People. 
Loving them, Accepting them, Embracing them...
People truly are the lifeline to our souls.
What we are able to learn from others if we just open our hearts
is an incredible gift to receive...
We have a choice:
To Love and Accept others or To judge and criticize them
Choose wisely... You too are a part of the People Pool...
What will you choose today for the people around you?
 In Love and Awe of my precious daughter...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

There's a Dream in You... It's Time to Live it!

Following Your Dream

What do you dream about?
I don't mean in your sleep either!
I mean truly see yourself doing?
Is there a yearning deep within your soul that is scramming to be released? Your hearts desire to do, to be, to want to try something you have always wanted to?

Today is the day to move one step forward towards your dream.
Make that call, connect with that person, google the information you need ...

Don't wait, it may be to late...

Living TODAY filled with
Love Awe &Wonder

Monday, January 21, 2013

A Time For Everything, Even 12 Hours in the ER...

A Time For Everything...
One of my favorite bible verses...
(Ecclesiastes 3:3-8)

3 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: 2 a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, 3 a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, 4 a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, 5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, 6 a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away 7 a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, 8 a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

It was my time to experience Nitrostat, a little pill placed under your tongue to help open your arteries from chest pain... Chest Pain I had been experiencing before Christmas. Why did I wait so long to address the pain? It was on the right side, which I assumed was the "wrong" side .... Thankfully no heart attack, perhaps just Stress, hopefully a successful stress test will prove that today...

The whole ER experience on Friday was certainly something to take in ...
Being the wonder that I am, I found myself in a more peaceful state of mind even in the ER... My doctor had the perfect bedside manor, very handsome and sounded just like Ricky Ricardo... I mentioned that to him and the next time he came into the room to check on me, he introduced himself as Dr.Ricardo...

Because the Nitrostat had worked and although it gave me a headache it did free up my chest pain...
Which made Dr Ricardo want to keep me over night ... But, for me overnight wasn't an option... So my new doctor friend released me with my own bottle of Nitrostat, a promise to stay low key and an appointment for a stress test... And off I went! ( ok, so I made it sound more pleasant than it was)
I will assume everything will be fine...
But I also know there is a
Time for Everything....

Living life filled with love awe and wonder...
Really wondering today...
In Awe and lots of Love ...

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Lets Get Smart... And Stop the Garbage on TV

Dreaming and Reality

In my dream last night I waited for the mailman.... A car sat waiting too.
The gentleman waiting had an iPhone 5 in his hand showing the new size to me.

What amazes me is the subconscious. I'm not a TV watcher but last night I had it on ( mainly for American Ideal) I noticed a few iPhone 5 commercials ... I am sure that's where my dream came from.

My point...

All the garbage that is shown on TV has such a negative influence on society and our subconscious.

The reality shows with no values, the NCI like dramas with murders, even the evening news, all disturbing as far as I'm concerned.
Maybe You are not bothered or affected by what you watch, but witnessing what is happening in the world today, sadly others are...

So as society debates over gun control, maybe just maybe, we should rethink what we watch on Television.

I was a TV junkie up until four years ago and although I don't know everything that is going on in the world and I'm not perfect myself... I do know the saying
"garbage in, garbage out"
rings true for the human mind and for me. I'm thinking I can't be the only one affected by the garbage that is seen on TV!

In Awe of Change
In Wonder of When

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Art of the P Word!

The Art of Procrastination
A gift?
A talent?
A fear ?

Most of us procrastinate at some point in our lives. Perhaps some never procrastinate... I fall into the first category of "most of us". I never use to procrastinate, today has been a day of awareness for me.

I have a goal, actually a "deadline" to meet and yet I sit here writing this entry for my blog, just one more distraction to help me procrastinate from completing my book.

According to
The verb PROCRASTINATE has 2 senses:
1. postpone doing what one should be doing
2. postpone or delay needlessly

I love the second meaning
postpone or delay needlessly...

Needlessly meaning Without need
And yet I NEED to finish a manuscript by May 1....

So know that I have mastered the Art of Procrastination... It's time to master the Art of Writing a Book ...

Are you a procrastinator?
What do you most procrastinate about?

In Awe of Self Awareness

(I'm thinking this guy just maybe a procrastinator)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What I Needed to Hear...

When the phone rings in your head Don't answer it!!!

"Remember the guy that gave up? Neither does anyone else!"

You know sometimes when you start talking in your head and no one is listening but you ? Mainly, because what you are telling yourself isn't true...

I read this quote on FB this morning
"Remember the guy that gave up? Neither does anyone else!"

It inspired me to get out of my own head this morning and continue to follow my dream ....

The Truth is, WE ALL struggle to believe we can achieve, but it's those who keep moving forward no matter what, that will Achieve their Dreams...

Everyday is a Success...
Everyday moves you one step closer...
Everyday has the possibility of your Dreams coming true...

Live Today like its Everyday!

In love with today ...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Be Present and Breathe

Truly aware
How can one be?
If life takes over
Someone like you
And someone like me?
We may see more than others see,
Imagine life just being free..
Free to breathe
Free to be
Free to enjoy
The pleasures that intrest you,
And intrest me.
Truly aware?
Yes, it can be...
Stop and listen as you breathe
Hear the sound?
Embrace your life
And the freedom all around
Take in a breath
And as you Breathe
Be present to this moment
God has given you and has given me!
Breathe in...
Feel your life,
imagine your life,
embrace your life
It's time to be
All you have been called to Be,
Just Breathe...

Copyright 5.30.11 6:30am Aweider

(Picture compliment of my baby sister
Mary Beth)

Friday, January 11, 2013

Every Dog is a Lap Dog...

Just Saying...

I was searching for something to write about today when I come across this picture ...
It made me wonder about people...

"If every dog can be a lap dog, then every person can be whatever they choose"

I had to laugh when I saw this picture. It made me realize that this dog truly believes he is like every other dog...
You and I may "think" he's not a lap dog, but it really doesn't matter to him what we think, now does it?!!

There are lessons to be learned, if we just fill our lives with love awe and wonder...

Today I learned...

If I choose to...
"I can be anything my mind thinks I am!"

What will you learn today?

I love to Wonder..

(Special thanks to the FB person for this great post)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

My Journey is My Goal...

"The Journey is the Goal"
David Hancock

I was in the office of my coach and she assured me...
"Everyday I was successful" she shared, "it wasn't the end goal which makes you a success but doing something daily towards that goal which makes you successful..." This all came up because of the feeling of failing...

Writing a book, being an author, puts you in a very vulnerable place. Sharing your inner most thoughts and experiences may seem easy to do, but the truth is there is a huge piece to this passion of writing that leaves me fearful... That state of emotion is a place that I am aware of for my personal growth. Without that feeling, and embracing that fear I wouldn't understand it from others point of view... Having my own insecurities and anxieties are wonderful feelings to experience all for personal growth and empathy for others.

So when I read a quote like
"The journey is the Goal" that keeps me moving in the right direction knowing my journey and ALL those emotions and fears during those few off moments along with all the love, awe and wonder I personally experience daily is my Goal...
My journey is my Goal!!!

In Awe of personal growth...

(Picture taken from a FB page)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Artist

I Paint by....

I paint
My pictures are beautiful
They tell a story
I use my canvas and fill it
My colors are vibrant
Vibrant to me
When I paint
I use a different medium
And even oils
All created in my mind
Some paint by numbers
I paint by words
My final piece of art
I call it...
My materpiece
"My Poetry"

Aweider 1.16.11 5:40am

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My Dads Guard Rail ...

At the Doctors office ... I almost wet my pants!!!

Taking my parents to their doctor appointment is always a trip!!! Today was no exception. As the nurse started to check their weight my dad started to tip to the right and he grabbed the hand rail.... I realized he left his cane in the waiting area...
As I retrieved it for him, he made it all the way down the hall holding the wall hand rail. Once in the room he looked at me and said "if we had those guard rails in the house I wouldn't need my cane" I laughed because of his reference to guard rails...
If that wasn't funny enough. The nurses name was Valentino. My dad ask if she was a February 14th birthday baby which she replied " no it's just a popular Ukrainian name" meanwhile my deaf mother said "Bill what did you say" my dad replied "Marie, Valentino is Ukrainian" to which she said again "what did you say?" My father said "she's from Hungry"
"Hungry?, you hungry Bill" I thought OMG and just about wet my pants ...
Which would have been fitting being at a geriatric doctors office ...

In awe of aging parents ...

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Spread the Love

Written for my sister Marybeth and sister in law Elke...Two of the most generous people you will ever meet and One of the most awesome couples I know...

Spread the Love...

Some don't understand
Some may judge
Some, just know how to love...

Two people connecting
Two hearts melt into one
What a beautiful example
As they spread their love...

Acceptance of others
Unite in love
Live in love
Embrace the love...

Oneness of all
Is our only call
Share the Love,
Spread the Love to All...

Aweider 1.6.13

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Time Flies SWIFTly....

Time Flies Swiftly

I got thinking this morning about Time... And just how quickly time truly flies by... And then I thought "if time truly flies what kind of bird would it be?"
Some say the fastest bird is the peregrine falcon.... So time is like the peregrine faclon but this bird only flies the fastest when it is in a hunting dive... So they are not considered the fastest of all birds, the fastest bird overall at the speed of 106 mph is the Spine-tailed Swift..
Hmmm... of all names, the fastest flying bird is a bird named Swift!

So you could say...
"Time is Swift"
"Time flies as swiftly as the Spine-Tailed Swift!"
Just thinking out load ....

In Awe of Wonder ....

(A Repost from 10.4.11aw)

Dinner In A Diner

Dinner Diner Dessert Desert?

The English language....

All these years I have fretted over my poor spelling when today I received a tex asking me if I could do diner on Tuesday... Yes, I know, dinner has 2 n's, then I realized dinner was served in a diner.
How ridiculous the difference!!!
How absurd the english language can be... So maybe my spelling is more proper than I thought!

In Wonder Why ?
Dinner diner
Then than (never can get that right or is that write? )
yes, I know (no) the right, write!
Effect affect
Bear bare
Where we're were
Lightening and Lightning
Discrete and Discreet
Dessert desert
It's endless...
Only one word for it CRAZY!!!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Love Songs Written by the Poet in You

Sing a Song....

"Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet."

The beauty of words, their ability to speak from the heart leaves me in Awe.... "Poetry is a song written with silent notes sang in the mind of the poet" I am that singer who will never be able to sing a note on key... But the music I sing in my mind is beautiful to me, the words, their notes makes music in my heart.
When I am touched by another, Plato's Quote comes alive for me
"Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet."
This is one of many songs my heart has sung.... It's called "Two Souls"

Two Souls
Searching and seeking
Never finding
Settling for what is
Only to Realize
What is, isn't what should have been...
What should be,
Is What is and What will be...
You... Me...
This morning, last night...
Precious in our sight
Two souls
Searching and seeking...
To have found one another.
(Copyright) A weider

Sing out at the top of your lungs today... Use your voice or use your heart to write your music....
Everyone is a Poet....

In awe of love...

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Time to DeFluff....

De-fluffing after the holidays can always be a challenge. I found myself needing to make that first step out of bed and into the gym. Fluffing up during the holidays happens to "most" of us. Living in New York with snowy winters doesn't help the matter...
Which is one reason I decided to start snowshoeing this year...

So as I work hard on defluffing from Christmas cookies (sugar) and Christmas ham (salt), both I consider to be the other "White drug", I challenge you to join me this day to do something healthy for your body, mind and spirit..
Snowshoeing for me has been an incredible experience for all three!!!
Here's to Mother Nature and her beauty that surrounds us daily....

What will you do today for your mind, body and spirit ?

In love...

Acceptance is a Gift to Give and Receive...

As a blogger I love to write what's on my mind... Sometimes my mind is empty or at least my thoughts are not as profound as I would like them to be. As I journey into each new day I am focused on completing my book, a promise I have made to myself....which needs to be written and the final copy due to the publisher by May 1.... My blogging is all part of my journey. I have written vignettes and poetry for the past several years...somedays I post past writings, today is one of those days ... I usually remember the story behind what I write, today not so much!
This was written after I received a phone call that much I know. It was also written 561 days ago.... enjoy and wish me luck on my 3 month Journey into the unknown world of publishing.

I had a conversation with myself this morning...
And I said
"Acceptance is a gift I can give to myself along with others. I choose to accept me for me And you for you...
Differences will always be present
What we do with our differences is
called acceptance should we choose to honor each other for being different.."
Thank you for the connection by phone this afternoon... And thank you for honoring our differences...

In awe of life lessons ....
What will you learn from someone today and how will you make a difference?

Photo from

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I Had a Dream....

I Had a Dream

I had a dream it was 2013
I waited for my dream to come true
The years flew by
Not knowing why
My life took its path
All I could do was try...
I lived what I knew
I loved what I thought
I was suppose to.
I had a dream, it was 2013
And here I am living my dream
Following my passion
Sharing what I know
A brand new year
A brand new life
A brand new start
It's time to show
My passion, my dream
All in 2013....
Writing my book...
"Living Life Filled
with Love Awe and Wonder..."