Friday, November 30, 2012

Off and On ....

Off and On

Opposites attract
Polorized by their differences
Off and on
Hot and cold
Up and down
A relationship
It's perfection
It's imperfections
Known only by understanding
Acceptance of differences
Unconditional love
First for oneself....
Then, For the other ....
Off and on
Come and go
Fast and slow
All part of lifes growth
Acceptance of who another has become
Embracing their moments
Supporting their differences
Understanding each other
Giving, caring, loving
Just because...
Off or on
Hot or cold
Up or down
People are people
Embrace, accept, cherish
The good in all....

6.7.11 AWeider



Embracing diversity
Accepting one another
Allowing each other to be...
Coming together
Loving Oneself...
Beautiful beings
Creative thinkers
Lovers of others
The way we are meant to be...

Aweider 12.16.10 5:06 am

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Storybook Ending....

Storybook Ending....

And the prince slowly bent over his princess and gently kissed her on her forehead and lips, she slowly awoke from years of slumber with a smile on her face...
And She thought ... Oh my God
My breath... My makeup... I feel so fat, I haven't been to the gym in years... What was he thinking kissing me like that.....

Sound familiar? STOP IT NOW!

Breathe and Enjoy the present moment...

Let go of Self Criticism and BELIEVE your storybook ending is just around the corner....

For me, it's following my DREAMS and my Passions...
One of which is to publish my book and that dream is coming true ...

What is it for YOU?

Living today in AWE...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Imagine All the Love

"Look up look down there's love all around "

Life lessons are like strength training... The more you have the stronger you get!!!

I love where I have been and where I am now.... Learning about life, people, and everyday challenges.
I've come to a place of acceptance, a kind of "oneness" as a dear friend calls it. A love for life and others I've only recently truly embraced.

I am remembering a dream I just woke up from ... A trip to India, a view out a window of a breathtaking mountain, a family welcoming me in, all of which brought me to tears.

Lessons in life...acceptance of all, a love for all, an appreciation for all.
We all may have different beliefs, but Love conquers ALL....

I am truly blessed, my blessing come from God... A God who created the universe, it's energies, the love that surrounds all of us and His unconditional love for You and Me!

I am reminded by the Holy Spirit...

"judge not lest ye be judged"

And as Jesus told the people...
"He that is without sin among you let him cast the first stone"
Words to truly live by...

If only the world would stop judging others,
Imagine all the Love ....

What will you do today to share the Love?

Living life filled with Love
Seeing the Awe all around
Sharing the Wonder that exists!

(Photos by Aweider)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Connected, As Love Should Be

Connected, As Love Should Be....

Are the moon and the stars connected?
A connection beyond understanding...
Individuals, yet one
Up high
Lighting up the sky
Connected from the start
As love should be...
Is the sun in the sky connected?
Life illuminated, sun rays
From sunrise to sunset...
As love should be...
What is air connected to?
something so powerful,
You can't live without,
never seen, never felt....
Perhaps not understood...
it's depth known only by two lovers something so strong and powerful,
life giving as the air we breathe...
The breath of life
The breath of love
All Gods perfect plan
As love should be...
Gods creation... Us
Gods intent ... Us
A connection beyond understanding
Individuals, yet one
Are the clouds and rain drops
One brings life to the other
Without the clouds
there would be no rain...
Without you there would be no us..
The rain, the flowers, the grass,
the trees all connected...
One feeds the other...
One allows the other to flourish
to grow, to breath and to live free...
As love should be...
Rain brings life in abundance...
A connection beyond understanding...
Individuals, yet one
Is the grass and the earth connected?
It's very life exists,
being fed from the ground ...
Soil, by itself is nothing...
Yet together in combination with the connection from above is everything!
As love should be...
Life so invisible yet visible
Love invisible yet so visible.
The moon, the stars, the sky
The sun, the air, the clouds, the rain, the grass, the flowers, the ground...
All connected...
Without one or the other life just wouldn't survive..
Beauty all around needs a connection to thrive...
As love should be...
The connection we have is sustained by the breathe of life
The breath of love
the miracle of life’s wonder,
A connection beyond understanding...
Individuals, yet one...
As love should be…©

Ames 12.24.10 3:20am

Monday, November 26, 2012

"Don't Go There"

A Place Called...
"Don't Go There"

Have you ever thought in your mind...
Don't go there, don't go there, don't go there, And you go there?

Everything about what you see is everywhere you said you would never go...
Life changes, hearts are drawn together by something bigger than logic ... Connection of two souls, circumstances bigger than life...

Very recently I heard " don't go there, don't go there, don't go there..."
I went there and I'm glad I did!

The Wonder of the Awe of Love....

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Connection and Acceptance What's so difficult about that?

Separation Vs Connection

I was reminded the other day of a lesson I once learned of separation vs connection... And right vs wrong...
They same day I posted a picture of two children hugging, one Jewish one Muslim both of whom Jesus loves ...

So why the need to be right? Why so much separation? Jesus loved everyone and accepted everyone.

The possibility of Oneness throughout this world is minimal when people are driven by separation and having to be right.

Acceptance of connection,
Acceptance of unconditional Love
Acceptance of Oneness
Acceptance of our brothers and sisters

Today on this day of rest, a day God created to be with Him, think about Him, worship Him .... My prayer is we think about loving others the way
"He first loved us"
Filled with Grace and Mercy.

Connect with your fellow human today and accept them for who they are because God said we are ALL
"Perfectly and Wonderfully made"

Living in Love, being in Awe and seeing the Wonder all around ....

Watching Something Grow...


It's not often we see someone grow
Something growing
Right in front of our very own eyes
The ability to watch
Like blades of grass
It's growth in the springtime...
After a long winter season
Grass doesn't wait to grow
It begins,
At the first sign of spring
As nature nurtures...
I too
Am in the springtime of my life
Growing, embracing,
being enlightened
The nurture of nature
The growth
I have wittnessed first hand
Is my very own ...

AmyWeider 3.16.11 3:37am

Saturday, November 24, 2012

I Counted My Blessings

Count your Blessings

I counted my blessings today
and you were there.
I pondered them for awhile,
and thought of you with a smile.
I am so very blessed,
my Children,
my house,
minus a spouse.
Friends beyond measure,
All of them such a pleasure.
But nothing can compare,
to the blessings this year.
I counted my blessings today
and you were there.
So many friends to cherish,
and hold very near...

The Thanksgiving Heart...

Even in the cranberry sauce!!!

Thanksgiving caught me off guard this year. It's ability to come faster and faster every year is overwhelming! This year was no different. Family and friends were present, the turkey was moist, all the trimmings delicious and there was a peace within. I felt a calming peace throughout the day.

I was more present to this Thanksgiving for some reason. Thankful to God, thankful to my life's journey, thankful for a feeling of being "centered" for the first time in my life.

I am thankful to God for the path he has me on, I am thankful to my friends who love and support my journey unconditionally. I am thankful for all the trails that got me to this place of serenity and an understanding of acceptance
and oneness. We are ALL Gods children called to Love ... I have found a place of Love, Awe and Wonder through my journey, which has been a gift from God...

I am reminded and thankful daily of my blessings. There are signs all around to remind us and Thanksgiving was no different .

There it was my sign .... A Heart

The HEART in the cranberry sauce!!
The sign of Gods Love, His reminder to love myself and that I am loved unconditionally ...
Keep your eyes open and you will be amazed at what you see!

Seeing life through the eyes of love awe and wonder ....

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Learning From Connections

A Very Good Reminder ....

No relationship is a waste of time!
I like to call relationships, connections... The word Relationship sounds to much like a commitment..
Connections on the other hand seems to me to be more like two people meeting with no "title expectations"

Once connected, lessons learned by others are limitless, if you are open to learning. Connecting with No expectations is an attitude which allows growth...
Whether or not a connection lasts,
I love the awe and wonder of the timing of others in my life...

Are you open to connections with no expectations?
Do you make an effort to learn from every connection?

Just Wondering!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Living Before Dying

Living Before Dying

"When death finds you, I hope it finds you living"

I heard this quote yesterday, perhaps a paraphrase of a quote I'm not sure...but I am sure of this...

"When death finds Me I want to be Living"
And that's "Living life filled with Love Awe and Wonder"

Monday, November 19, 2012

A Priceless Stone

A Valuable Stone ..

They say the Diamond is one of the most precious stones... It's strength, strong enough to cut glass. It's value,'s nickname "A Stone".

I have received several diamonds over my lifetime but only one very precious stone.

It was giving to me on a date and the words read "Free Your Spirit" with the word "Intent" written on the back. A stone, to me, that continues to be priceless because of its message of encouragement. Two years later my Spirit is freer than I could have ever imagined. My acceptance and love for myself and the the world around me has finally been set free...

Have you ever lived by the words
"Free Your Spirit" ?

Breathe with your HEART...
And let your Spirit FREE...

Loving the awe and wonder of life ...

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Do You Have The Vibrator?

The New Vibrator!

I met a dear friend for dinner tonight.
And as a single woman the last thing you want hear in public is what my friend yelled to me across the restaurant ....

First let me just say we ordered, she paid, I picked up the " buzzer" she went to get the water and yelled back to me " Do you have the vibrator" for some reason the restaurant went silent.
I wonder why?
We all laughed and I ended up holding the vibrator... ; )

In Awe of life ...

Saturday, November 17, 2012

1872 Cafe A Hidden Gem

A Hidden Gem

At 431 West Main Street there's a Hidden Gem called "1872 Cafe".
Run by Spirits Christi Church.
It's a wonderful coffee shop that serves coffee, has a delicious bakery along with homemade soups and salads.
Their hours are:
M-F 6:30-4:00
Sunday 7:00-1:00
It's has quite a delightful atmosphere
Stop by and support 1872 Cafe which is an outreach for our community ... You will be pleasantly surprised!!!

It Be What It Be...

"It Be What It Be "

Well, we all know about "it is what it is" But apparently the up and coming new saying is "It be what it be" Life's funny that way, nothing stays the same and yet "there's nothing new under the sun!"

So next time you hear "it is what it is" remember "it be what it be!!!"

Friday, November 16, 2012

Dear Amy,

Dear Amy,

"Congratulations! Your manuscript proposal, Living Life Filled With Love Awe and Wonder has been accepted by Morgan James Publishing."

Words, when I read them felt too easy. How had it happened so quickly? An acceptance letter from a publishing company to publish my book ...
Was it too quick or am I just ready?

They say timing is everything. My timing of meeting an incredible woman named Sharon was a huge driving force to my acceptance letter, and to her I am eternally grateful...

Publishing a book can be a complicated process, but certainly a process of incredible learning, there's so much more than just writing a book...

I look forward to this journey over the next several months ( possible 12 in all) from submission to release...
A process I look forward to, a journey I have been dreaming of...

It was shared with me a few years ago by someone I dearly love, that I was "A Creator of Love, Awe and Wonder" when I read those words I knew without a doubt that was who I was and who I am!

I live my life daily with Love, Awe and Wonder... And I plan to share that way of life with millions... It's one more LAW ( Love Awe Wonder) of life...

Loving life, In Awe of this journey, staying present to the Wonder if it all!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012



This is the season to BELIEVE.
To Believe in Santa, his elves, and
that reindeers can fly!
Soon I will be hanging up a small slate with a painted picture of Santa on it and the words " I BELIEVE"

I woke up this morning wondering about Believing...
Believing in yourself, your dreams, your desires, yearnings and goals.

I Believe in my Hearts Desires...

"Believing is the start to Achieving"

I have dreams and yearnings, today is a big day for me.... And I am believing all my dreams will come true!

And You?
What are you Believing in?
Do you believe in Yourself?

Loving life, in Awe of Believing,
Never stop Wondering....

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Serenity Now!!!

Technology Minimalist...

I consider myself a minimalist....
Especially when it comes to technology! I would love to say I get the whole "technical jargon" but the truth is, I don't!
I want to and I want to desperately.... But for some reason I get to a certain point and my brain shuts down. I blame it on the amount of "grey matter" I may or may not have left on my right sided thinking brain.
So as a minimalist I try very hard to do the best I can, and just when I think I have caught up to some new technical "thing" it changes or something new is added.
So for me I'll keep trying to catch up, with a bottle of Tylenol in one hand for all the headaches and a cup of tea in the other to stay calm! Or was that a bottle of Valium and and glass of wine? Either way I am determined to do the best I can!

Serenity Now!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Live As If...

Live As If...

If you had to choose today to:

Live as if...

How would your life change?
Would you live any differently?
What would be the first thing you would do?

Just wondering....

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Clueless Turkeys

"Clueless Turkeys"

I am always reminded to count my blessing each year when I drive by this turkey farm the week before Thanksgiving.. It's a sight that makes me smile in a way...

Turkeys, living their short lived lives clueless of their " tomorrow" almost a metaphor for many people in this world, people that seem to be "clueless turkeys" ...

Forgive me if I sound judgmental, but I'm going to guess most of us know a "clueless turkey" or two!!!

Well the point is this....

"Count your blessings,
Live TODAY to the fullest, because like a "clueless turkey" tomorrow you just maybe cooked!"

"Living life filled with
Love Awe and Wonder"

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Enough is Enough When You Know That You Know!

When is enough, enough?
When you know that you know....

I think that it is fair to say some of us know that we know... With No doubt, no fear, no second guessing ...
We just know!

So when is enough, enough?

Knowing when enough is enough is in my opinion more dificult to admit, connect with, and embrace.

When enough is enough, why is it so hard to stop?
Why do we let something continue longer then it should?
What stops us from saying enough is enough? Especially when we know that we know...

Did you ever know that you know, when enough was enough?

Keeps me in wonder....


Letting Go of Love

Holding on
Letting go
Timing is everything
The heart fills with love,
Many types of love
That one special love
We can only hope for
It comes
And it goes...
Letting go
Moving forward
It's power
It's stronghold
It's passion
Never wanting to let go
That feeling...

Friday, November 9, 2012

Off With The Top!!!

Out of the Box

I got thinking, which made me wonder...
In order to go out of the box in life you first need to take the box top off...

What would it take to go outside of your box?

My box top was removed after my life took a unexpected change a few years ago. I had a choice, in fact I have had many choices in the past several years. Living life to the fullest was one of them. For me it looked like and felt different than what I was use to. A new place, a different life, my box top off and there I was, set free... Out of the box.... And free to be me.

I've come to love and accept people for who they are, what they believe and embrace our differences. A place, where if we all were open, could change this world.

There is no perfect person, no right or wrong answer only the box we each choose to live in. Your box has a top and there's a big world out there to explore....

Have you ever taken your box top off ?
Have you ever gone outside your box?

Just wondering...

Imagine Oneness ...

Imagine Oneness

Acceptence of oneness
All we should be
As a unified society

Imagine what oneness
Could look like
If we would all just see
The other person
Is no different than you and me

Embracing oneness
starts with the you in the me
What a world this would be!

Love, joy, peace all around
Our spirits to high
to reach the ground
A world with less usless noice
And a richer viberant sound

We could all hear what was finally being said
We would listen to each other instead of a deafness that comes
With a close minded head...

Arms of oneness
Could we ever see?
Accepting, embracing others
For who they would be...

The freedom of oneness
so it could be
Imagine wrapping your Arms
around oneness and see
How living in a world
Filled with people
like you and people like me...

Freedom to be
Freedom to see
Love all around
Embraced in the arms of Oneness
To be lived once and for all
To be set free...
Aweider 7.14.12

In Love Awe and Wonder....

I Walk A Path...

My Path

I walk a path, my path you see,
It's the path that has been cleared, just for me...
Some may dream,
and some may seem
to judge others for who they may be.
I walk my path with my head held high
Knowing someday when I die,
There will be no regrets
I've lived a full life
All my travels
and all the beautiful sights...
Not one day to late,
the path I walk someday may have my perfect mate...
For now, I walk my path
blessed as can be,
Since I've found a palace where the center is me...
Whole and happy
a place that I have found
Walking and searching for life's answers all around ...
Walk with me on my life's path
and you will see
A life filled with a love, awe and wonder more than you thought there could ever be...
Aweider 11.9.12

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Key or No Key?

Making Life Easier? Really ?

That little button that starts my car without the key, should make my life easier right? So why then am I always looking for my car keys?

When I had to have the keys in my hand to start the car I know where they were, in my hand....

Now when I get into my keyless car I have to go looking for the keys in order to start the car!

Well, needless to say, all this new technology pretty much makes me a little crazier than I already am !!!

A keyless car and I'm still looking for my darn keys!!!

In wonder...when will this technology ever stop!!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

"There is a Journey Straight Ahead"

Journey Straight Ahead....

I look to the right,
Then to the left
I see what's before me
And remember where I came from...
I walk straight ahead
I stop and stand my ground
I take a deep breath and I breathe
As I look all around ...
I know I am on my life's path
It calls out my name
I hear the words clearly
"Journey straight ahead"
No need to play life's game...
Don't stop
Keep walking
There is so much to see
So much to be lived
So much to love
So much to be...
Those words are my map
To life's precious moments you see
There are treasures to be had in life
as you "Journey straight ahead"...
And embrace all there is to be!!!
Aweider 11.6.12

Living life filled with
Love Awe and Wonder....

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Brown All Around....

The Beauty of Brown!!!

I never realized the beauty of brown before today. As I was heading back to Las Vegas from Arizona, driving through the dessert the beauty of brown all around was breathtaking...
I couldn't help but wonder how I had missed the magnificence of this forgotten color. The desert was alive with many shades of brown with its back drop, a perfect Blue sky. As I stopped to see the Hoover Dam again I was in awe of what was in front of me.. A sight grander than the mind can fathom...

Friday, November 2, 2012

Learning To Stay Present...

Making The Most Out of Life!

There's a movement referencing "living in the NOW..." Everywhere you look there are books, speakers, encouraging "living in the Now..."
That concept has been around from the beginning of time! But do we
truly grasp the concept of NOW?

I've come to realize things happen,
plans change, people change, life changes... Being able to go with the flow and live in the moment, the NOW without hesitation and living in a place of unity, connection and love is sometimes challenging. Finding that place within and being able to get out of ourselves and our Ego and be present to the gift of Now is truly a refreshing place to live...

Today my plans changed I didn't make the Grand Canyon and as I sit in an Apple Store in Scottsdale AZ I had the pleasure to visit a beautiful area I would have never experienced ...

Living in the Now allows you to be present to life's gifts that are happening Now!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat

It Was a Treat!!

Halloween in Prescott AZ is a real Treat... The town has a halloween tradition. There is one charming street that goes all out to decorate their homes for Halloween. Hundreds of people line up on the street for hours and Trick or Treat ... It's the craziest thing ever, but what a treat to watch....