Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Moon To The Left The Sun To The Right...

The Moon To The Left
The Sun To The Right...

The benefits of a small plane...if you are aware, you will miss nothing!

I looked to the right and saw a beautiful sunset, all different shades of red and oranges filled the sky. As I turned to my left there was a breathtaking blue and purple sky complete with a full moon!

Seeing the awe of life and not missing out on the wonder of the journey filled with love is a blessing for me....

This flight was another metaphor for my life. Truly being aware of the beauty that surrounds me ... It reminded me of a scripture verse

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." (Isaiah 30:21 NIV)

Follow that voice... And walk towards a life filled with Love, Awe and Wonder....

Up Up And Away...

I am flying to Vail CO tonight, another trip, second to last one for this year. It's been a year of learning all about Love, Awe and Wonder. Along with embracing life's journey and not just the destination. I feel truly blessed having been able to travel so much this year... And I take NOthing for granted!

The friends I've stayed with, the people I have met along the way ALL have enriched my life...

Colorado is always a wonderful time. A girls trip filled with unknown adventures.

I look forward to this Vail trip and wonder what new lessons I will be in awe of....

I love to travel ....

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Very Own Double Rainbow...

A Double Rainbow

I love rainbows and seeing them makes me believe God is speaking to me...

I thought I needed to wait for a rainbow from above, until the other day when I was helping someone to water their garden, I realized I had created my very own double rainbow!!!

I was able to create the very thing that I thought I needed to wait to see.
I have always been in control of "double rainbows" in my life... It was an "aha" moment for me on several levels...

"I don't need to wait for things in my life to happen, I can create them and they will happen as God is always with me"

My very own double rainbow...

In awe and in wonder...

Monday, August 27, 2012


Memories ....

One of my favorite things to do when my children were small was to
"create memories."

Memories are priceless. Life is filled with memories. Ones we choose to keep and those we may need to forget.

For me, the memories of Keuka Lake and the family cottage holds most of my childhood memories. I was fortunate enough to have a cottage to go to my entire life...

It's been a few years since my parents decided to sell, do to their age. Yesterday, I went back to the cottage for the first time in those four years.

The property landscape is different, families all creating their own new memories. But there it was, memories of the fire pit and the old row boat with the name Nicole.

Memories, beautiful memories to be cherished always...

What are some of your favorite memories?

In wonder ...

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Daisy and Oscar Need Love Too...

Daisy And Oscar

A visit to Lollypop Farm always brings me to tears. Spending time with my daughter yesterday was a treat, so when she suggested to visit Lollypop Farm I thought why not!

Well, I now know why not... Because of dogs like Daisy and Oscar. Two of the sweetest dogs I've ever seen. They came in together and should leave together. They were so bonded with each other it was adorable.

If you're looking for a dog or two consider these two sweethearts...
Not once did either bark during our visit, even with all the noise around them.

If you're wondering why I didn't come home with Daisy and Oscar its because I have a dog, her name is Gracie. She is adorable to! So for now Daisy and Oscar will be thought of fondly and hoped they are adopted soon!

In wonder...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

We All Are Just People Waiting To Arrive

People Are People

I find as I continue to meet people ...
People are just people. No matter how you feel or what you see in others, we are all the same. No one has it all together, everyone has their own baggage and we all have things in our past that may not have been one of our finer moments but that's what makes us all " just people!"

It's all part of life and being vulnerable. Vulnerability can be a wonderful way to connect with others. Especially with someone you care about.

So as you continue to meet people who cross your path ... Remember to embrace and accept someone for who they are, just as they are... And you too may someday need to feel that same acceptance...

People are people and you too are
one of those people !!!

In awe....

Friday, August 24, 2012

Golfing Again Makes Me Happy!!!

I Got Golf Today!!!!

After 7 long months of recuperation from neck surgery .... I decided to swing my clubs this week!!! And I wasn't even swinging at anyone! : )

It felt so good getting back on the golf course... There's something about golf I love... I don't love " those darn men" who take the game so seriously ... Cause seriously, it's just a game and you're not Tiger Woods!!!

Anyhow, to play with people who enjoy the game makes me Happy!!!
And to be able to challenge myself to be better every game also makes me Happy!! And to know its between me and the golf ball makes me even happier!
So there you have it.... I love to golf!
And today I got to golf!!!
I'm Happy....

In love with the game...

Enough Is Enough Already....

Enough Already!

The word Enough always fascinates me...
What is enough?
How much is enough?
When is enough, enough?
Enough is one of those endless words that when said Enough times makes you start wondering about the word itself...
Enough is enough!
So this morning I was over thinking about my life and my connections...
One in particular.... And I thought Enough already!!! I know it's something I must let go, I've been told to let it go, I know I must let it go and there it was that thought...
Enough already!

So that strange little word "Enough"
is a powerful word to be used to move you past something that you may be stuck thinking about ...
And when you are, remember to say
"Enough is Enough already!"

That should help for now, until you start spending too much time in your own head again... You'll know when Enough is Enough already!

In awe and wonder...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

To Really...

To Really

To embrace life
Is to live life.
To really live life
Is to be present in the Joy of being,
Being present to Joy
Is to embrace
the love that surrounds you.
Embracing that love,
Is to first love yourself.
Express love for self and others,
in the present moment.
Breathe, be, and give Love freely.
A word
that is not spoken often enough,
A feeling
that sometimes isn't expressed openly.
Sometimes taken for granted.
Given from the heart and soul.
Embrace the love that surrounds you,
Share the love you have within you...

Live, Love, Grow....

In wonder of love

Wisdom From A Happy Person

Wisdom From A Happy Person

I notice her most mornings as I enter the gym that I go to... But for some reason I said to Paige who was behind the counter ... " you look so different the past few days you're glowing"
her response was:

"I'm Happy"

There was no particular reason for her happiness, when I asked her what made her so happy, her reply was:
"I like random, I'm happy,
I'm on my way to being very happy
And I Don't focus on the bad"

A twenty something with a glow all around her, just from focusing on being Happy !!!

A Lesson to be learned for all

Be Happy....

Thanks Paige for your beautiful spirit and contagious happiness!!!

In Awe of people....

Lessons All Around and Up Above

A Lesson To Be Learned

Every situation, every person along the way and every thing we pass by on our journey in life has a lesson to be learned!

So many life experiences good, bad, pleasant or ugly are all placed in our life to be learn from.

Too many people focus on the negative feelings instead of taking away a positive life learning experience.

No matter how difficult someone or something maybe, there can always be good that comes from it! It may not seem that way at the time, but looking back ( for a brief moment) and realizing where you are today in the present and being aware of your personal growth is one way of being self taught... Teaching yourself to be positive, being present to your blessings and to embrace the gift given each one of us... The gift of life!

I saw the moon last night, it was a beautiful crescent moon... For some reason it captivated me for a fleeting moment ... Being an overcomer I tend to see life through different eyes than I have in the past. The moon was beautiful and what I saw was a full moon... but being present to the moment I was able to see the beauty of a piece of the moon that shined as bright as the suns reflection...

A moment in time for me not to let life pass me by without embracing the beauty that surrounds me ... Being aware of the wonder of the crescent moon at my age... Just amazing!!!

Life is always worth living in...
Love Awe and Wonder!

Photo Credit: Joseph Grunske

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Friend

My Friend is a ray of light ...

I think about my friend often
The influence he has had on my life
His wisdom, knowledge and understanding for life and people...

I LOVE the gift I received from his spirit...
I sit quietly in AWE of how he has touched my life...
I WONDER what else I will learn from afar...

My friend has left his imprint on my mind, my heart, and my soul...
Not many touch others the way he has touched my life...
I will forever be grateful
I will forever be changed
I will forever be ...
In awe of love and wonder!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Conversation With Self About Acceptence!

I had a conversation with myself this morning... And I said Self...

"acceptance is a gift I can give to myself along with others I choose to accept me for me and you for you..."

Differences will always be present,
what we do with our differences is
called acceptance, should we choose to honor each other for being different.

Thank you for honoring our differences...

In Awe of a very different sunflower...
(Written 381 days ago...)

My Brain Is On Circuit Overload...

Circuit Overload

I realized yesterday on occasion, I shut down from circuit overload. All the stimulation from technology and information coming at me sometimes is just too much!

Verizon has a new advertisement out for a All in One phone... everything you can possibly want to do, this new phone does. The commercial itself overwhelms me!

I am convinced we are not wired for all this new technology and all this information at our fingertips! Not to mention we may be able to do things fast but we don't even give ourselves time to process information before something else is entering our gray matter!

And if your not sure what gray matter is, here's a definition:
"Grey matter is made up of neuronal cell bodies. The grey matter includes regions of the brain involved in muscle control, sensory perception such as seeing and hearing, memory, emotions, and speech." Wikipedia

So although the newer generation is keeping up so far, I think the baby boomers will continue to, on occasion,
Shut down due to circuit overload!

Oh, and by the way, how many phone numbers on your phone Do you know? I thought so .....

Just Wondering

Monday, August 20, 2012

Off and On

Off and On

Opposites attract
Polorized by their differences
Off and on
Hot and cold
Up and down
A relationship
It's perfection
It's imperfections
Known only by understanding
Acceptance of differences
Unconditional love
First for oneself....
Then, for the other ....
Off and on
Come and go
Fast and slow
All part of lifes growth
of who another has become
Embracing their moments
Supporting their differences
Understanding eachother
Giving, caring, loving
Just because...
Off or on
Hot or cold
Up or down
People are people
Embrace, accept, cherish
The good in all....

6.7.11 Amy W.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Be Still... It's Sunday!

Be Still...

Lately you hear all the time about "being still."
Society is busier and busier, and people are becoming more and more overwhelmed ... The latest "buzz" word seems to be.... "Be Sill"

There is a Scripture verse I have always loved...
"Be still, and know that I am God!"
~ Psalm 46:10 NIV

I once heard a sermon that I loved, the preacher spoke on this verse and he said:
" Be still, and know that I am God,
Be still, and know that I Am
Be still and know
Be still..."

I always remembered that sermon, it was one of my favorites ...

Give yourself that gift, start with today,
It's Sunday, a day of Rest....
Be Still
Be still and know...

In Awe of Love

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Help Save A Life...."This Too Shall Pass"

Save A Life Donate A Kidney !!

If you take the time to ask and listen to someone it's amazing what you will learn...

I met a beautiful waitress named Daniel fighting for her life...

A kidney disease is trying to take her life at the age of 20 , Just when she found her passion for life, being a hair dresser ...

Meanwhile she started dialysis at the age of 19 as her kidneys decided to fail her as a healthy young adult!

Not fair in one sense yet in another
"not fair" is what is driving Daniels spirit. A beautiful, alive spirit that unless I had asked and listened about her tattoo I would never have known she is fighting for her life...

The tattoo on her forearm reads "This too shall pass" she is believing she will OVERCOME this disease attacking her kidneys ....

A disease 350 out of 2 billon get called Atypical HUS (Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome) Not really caring what it stands for, but realizing it is why Daniel is fighting for her life... Her number is 585-945-8807 if you feel lead to donate a kidney or help her out in any way please contact Daniel ...

She is an overcomer, as she sits for dialysis weekly and waits patiently for a new kidney.

So, I'm sorry, what were you just complaining about? not sure I heard you ...

Please pass this Blog on, as you never know, together we may save a life....

In awe of ones strength to fight!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Connecting Makes A Difference!!!

Little Kids With Big Hearts!

I find most of us over 50 still feel like little kids... Well, not quite like a little kid but young none the less...

I seem to meet more wonderful people who are "mature" ok "old" but young at heart... And have big hearts at that!

I find most people are truly special and even those who may seem difficult to love are still lovable, if given the chance to be loved!

Being single, out in the world today isn't my favorite place to be, but the experience of meeting and connecting to people for me is priceless... Connection to others is a gift I open daily and for me it's Christmas everyday when I am able to connect to someone new!

I hope to reconnect with the women I wrote "All Life Matters" about tomorrow... I don't know if she will show up or not but I know I will!

Getting to know People, and touching a life in any way or making a connection of two souls, for me makes my heart sing... La La La : ) that's my life line, my heart beats to a different song, a song I wish everyone could hear...

Take the time today to connect with someone, it's a life changing experience and you will be blessed!

In awe of wonder....

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Heaven On Earth...

Heaven On Earth...

I'm reading a book called "A Course of Love" which came recommended by a sweet friend in AZ ...
A great book to be discussed with another..

I find the book powerful and thought provoking, teaching love, well not "teaching" love but sharing the dynamics of Love...:
"love is not something you do, it is what you are"

This past year has been a year of travel for me, and as I have seen new places and met new faces I've been brought to tears more often than I thought possible!

Tears of Joy and Love....this quote from "A Course of Love " touched me and explained my tears.

"That you move through your world without relating to it in any way is what causes your alienation from the heaven it can be!"

On my travels I have found myself relating to this world and people in such a spiritual way ( without realizing it) that I truly feel, The Heaven that it is... Which explains my tears....

Our lives, lived in a way of relating to this world is truly heaven, there is love all around, you just need to breathe with your heart, see and feel with your heart and embrace all the love that is available....

What a beautiful place to be!!!

Heaven is Available here on Earth...
In Love Awe and Wonder Life

Monday, August 13, 2012

Burn Baby Burn ...

Fan your Flames!

What's burning inside of you?
What is your passion in life?
Are you living out your dreams?
Are you embracing your life's yearnings?

Burn baby burn,

Follow your love, your passion, your desires and Live YOUR life Today!
Is there a Fire inside of you?
Don't ever let it burn out...

Feed your flames, fan those flames,
let it burn under your feet to keep you moving in the best direction that will guide you toward your life long desires!

In awe of
Passion ...Fire... Dreams...Desires!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Friends Are Gifts....

40 plus years of friendship, 47 years for the one special friend hidden under the purple float!!!

Years of memories, filled with love, laughter, a little booze and a lot of support... Ok sometimes a lot of booze!!! ; )

The connection of good girlfriends is a blessing. A connection of acceptance,
understanding and encouragement.

Years have flown by, times have changed, life continues to move forward, yet friends connected from childhood, friends for life!
What a gift !!!

In Awe of lifelong friends...

Friday, August 10, 2012

Stop Already!!! WHY Typos?

Those Dam TYPOS!

Ok, I'm not perfect! For some reason I can't seem to write without one of my famous Typos!!!
I find it amazing how the brain plays tricks on the eyes... I write, read, re-read, and re-read again but it never fails they are always there, several hours later..
I swear there's a TYPO monster!

The dreaded TYPO!

So to all my faithful readers just smile when you find a missing word, misspelled word or punctuation out of place and know each and ever blog entry is written with Love , Awe and wonder with my index finger on my iPhone!!!
Now that's Love....

(My Book will have an editor... : ) )

Thanks for reading and following me pass "breathe with your heart" on...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

ALL Life Matters!

All Life Matters ...
(A true story shared in poetry form)

I saw a life being challenged one day
A women, not a man three months after May
A homeless person so they say
Frustrated non the less
Screaming all the way...
I called 911
They didn't come
I talk and calmed down the person
Who seem to be a stray...
She was frustrated by her day
Harassed for her looks, skin color and such
It got to a point that it became to much
She threatened to kill herself in the middle of the day
Crying out for help asking anyone she may...
No one helped her which made her mad
A day I learned just how sad
Others around including the police out in force
Did Nothing, nothing of course!
I was an innocent bystander having coffee with a friend one day
When I helped a stranger who had something to say...
She found her bottles that were taken unfair
Her do-rag wrapped up her hair
Others may judge what they see
I opened my heart to world that will be..
Giving and caring for others to see
That there is love to be had,
If given a chance not to think everyone is so bad...
Corinthian was her name, survival was her game ..
Wanting to provide, with her bike by her side
Its not for me to judge right or wrong
My job is to love the weak and allow them to feel strong.
My life changed one day not long ago
A lesson in love, acceptance from above...
We all need some care from someone so near
Take a minute or two to bless someone new...
A life will be changed and it may even be you .....

Aweider 8.9.12

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Be A Rainbow In Someone's Day

Today the sun is shining the sky is blue for you... For someone near you the clouds are gray and the sun may not be shining .... What will you do?  Share a smile, offer a gentle touch, speak a look of love through your eyes? Take one minute out of your day and be a rainbow to someone!

What will you do?

In Wonder....

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Eyes Are Talking....

The Eyes Talk Are You Listening ?

I passed two strangers on my walk this morning and I was brought to tears by both...
What I saw in both people through their eyes was amazing ...

A men in a motorized wheelchair couldn't speak but his eyes spoke to me .. As I smiled and said hello his Beautiful Bright Blue eyes pierced my heart I know there was a wonderful life looking at me but I also knew it was a life lived in silence...
A very moving moment for me...

The second person that touched me with her eyes was an elderly women pushing a wired cart filled with her things and a few groceries on top, almost as if she was homeless ( I don't believe she was) as I came up from behind her I touched her arm and said good morning... When she turned my way her big brown eyes were filled with Love and joy I sensed a peace all around her... I felt her joy flow through her to me...

It was in the eyes of strangers that spoke to me this morning... A gentle voice heard by looking into the eyes of someone I did not know.

Take a moment today and make eye contact with someone and listen to what they have to say ....

In wonder of awe...

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Funny Funny Father...

I Love My Father...

I've written about his one liners before but they don't seem to stop!
I find my dad funnier and funnier as he continues to age.

We were all in the car driving home from dinner and there was an awesome sky!!! I knew I needed a picture and we were on the back roads. I decided to slow down (there were no cars in sight, remember country roads) and as the driver, I took a picture of the sky.... My dad said from the back seat... " doesn't picture taking fall under no texing while driving?" I'm laughing now just thinking about the sincerity of how it was said...I just adore him!

And if that wasn't cute enough my sister was complaining about her new job and the lack of time she has to go to the gym, she has put a few pounds on, and my dad said
"Do more push aways" push away from the table!! I just laughed... Yet again I was amazed at his cleverness.
I am so blessed to have such a funny dad!!

Got the picture and a great laugh!!!

In awe of wonder

The Greatest Of These Is LOVE!

I woke up this morning with this chapter from the bible on my Heart....
One of the most read chapters, one of my favorites...

I am thankful for the love that is in my heart, the love I feel all around me and the love that surrounds my life daily in people I connect with. And yet....

Faith Hope and Love
Faith- that I will find the love yearning of my heart...
Hope- that my one true love will walk into my life and stay...
Love- for Me, the greatest gift to ever give and receive ...

1 Corinthians 13

13 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,but do not have love, I gain nothing.

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a (wo)man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
New International Version (NIV)

In Awe of Faith Hope and Love

Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Big Man and A Little Man

A Big Man and A Little Man

A site that isn't often seen... A father and his son ... Memories being created for a lifetime..

A big man taking time to teach a little man about life ... Today it was fishing, tomorrow something new...

What a beautiful world we live in, the sight of a father loving his son is priceless!

If everyone took a moment to touch a life, (related or not) the love that would fill this world would be enormous ....

Show someone love today ...
This fisherman believes in
"Catch and Release"

Bait a hook, catch a fish, show it love
And Release it back into the wild....

(A life metaphor from a fisherman )

Don't miss life's journey, there's a lot of wonderful fish in the water ....
Enjoy the day, be patient, be present with someone you love and keep creating memories....

In Awe of Wonder!

Happy Birth Day To Me !

The Birth Day

We all have one, the day of our birth..
That dreaded Birth Day for many...Dreaded only to some, especially over 25...

Twenty Five seems to be that last year of moving from childlike youth to "there's no turning back from adulthood now!"
I seem to remember myself and even my daughter being shocked as "we" turned 25... Wondering, where did the years go? And realizing at that point maybe Santa really didn't exist and the carrot I thought the Easter Bunny nibbled on, maybe, just maybe it was my dad!

The other reality that seem to hit around that same age was my parents really didn't know "everything," as I had previously thought.
Hence, that wonderful Wisdom that comes along with aging.

Well today is my Birth Day, the day I was birthed into this world, the day God wanted me to start this one life I've been given, and at my age I don't plan on wasting anymore time ...

Here I come world it's a new day, a new Birth Day for me ... It's time to live.... Really Live! I'm feeling
Very Blessed that today, starts another year to learn, to love, to embrace this incredible life I have been given....

My age today, unlike when I turned 25, no longer matters... It's life, the love for life, life lesson and embracing each moment of everyday that I am truly grateful for.
The precious lives I meet each day are truly God given gifts, I open and enjoy daily!
What an amazing birthday gift to receive...

Happy "My" Birth Day to me.... : ) and a special Happy Birth Day to my sweet friend Karen!

Loving Wonder....

Friday, August 3, 2012

More of Everything...

More of Everything...

Words to a song I recently heard rang true for me ...

"The more you know, the more you feel, the more you'll understand !"
Howie day

I thought how true!!! So many stop learning, stop living, stop experiencing life.... I'm not sure why ..
Maybe life in general gets overwhelming. I know it did for me at one time.

I was helped along the way by people (my angels) that encouraged me to open my eyes to the beautiful life all around me ....
And encouraged me to be in a place of connection not separation...

"The more I became aware, the more I became Aware!"

It's been an awesome journey walking in the light, feeling the love, the warmth that surrounds me daily and seeing life clearly through the eyes of Love and connection...

It was a matter of wanting to experience MORE...

More of Everything !!!

In Love in Awe and in Wonder...

Loving Love

(Looking at Others, Valuing Everyone)

Loving love
Loving life
Experiencing fullness
Embracing love
Feeling its power
Many dimensions of love...
Love for a stranger
Love for yourself
Love from the depth of your heart
Over looked
Accepting all kinds of Love
Releasing its limitations
Aware of its power
Open to feel
Closed to rejection
Being present to life
Learning to love
Reaching out to others...
Seeing beyond
Thankful for its touch
Allowing it to encompass all
Living it, being it, loving it
surrounded by it

8.3.12 AmyWeider

The Wonder of LOVE

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Help Someone Grow....

Help Someone Grow....

I saw something this morning I've never seen before ... This man took time out of his day to help this vine reach higher heights...

I watched as he attached string and washers to the end of the vine and gently through it up over the branches of a near by tree to Encourage the vine to reach it's fullest potential ...

It had me Wondering ...

How we can encourage others to reach their fullest potential ... Even if we have to guide them gently over and above what we ever imagined...

The Tree of Life, it's branches, live in all of us ...

Attach yourself gently to someone,
And help them grow to their fullest potential ....

In Awe of Wonder...

The Tree of Life...

A Living Tree Of Life..

I wrote a blog yesterday which I will post later today called
"Help Someone Grow"
In it is the line...

"The Tree of Life, it's branches, live in all of us ..."

Last night, while I was out to dinner, my waitress had a tattoo on her back which caught my eye ...
It was The Tree of Life...
I asked her why and what the words meant?

From a beautiful young face she said
" What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" she obviously has been through a lot of Pain, but you would have never known by the beauty on her face....

We all have dead branches that hang from our Tree of Life... It's what we do with them that makes us stronger...
By Pruning, and removing dead weight from our Living Trees, our spirits are lightened, renewed, and our Tree of Life is rejuvenated ...

"The Tree of Life, it's branches, live in all of us ..."

Allow your Tree of Life to live to its fullest potential ... Encouage others to grow, Help others in times of need, show love to those who are difficult to love and most important listen to those who need to be heard...

Thank you beautiful Stephanie for sharing yourself with the world and "helping someone grow" Me!!!

In Awe of Life....

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Reflections In Life


What a beautiful word... Reflections

There is something about the sound of the word reflections and its meaning...

(according to
*the act of reflecting or the state of being reflected.
*the return of light, heat, or sound after striking a surface.
*a fixing of the thoughts on something; careful consideration.

So reflections are both tangible and intangible. Those reflections you see and those you feel and reflect back on...

I am reminded of reflections in my travels this past year and all the beautiful sights I have been blessed to see... Sedona was one of them. Even more amazing than the sights were the people I have met along the way. As I reflect upon the memories, their beauty will live forever in my heart....

In wonder of life's reflections