Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Imagine All the Love

"Look up look down there's love all around "

Life lessons are like strength training... The more you have the stronger you get!!!

I love where I have been and where I am now.... Learning about life, people, and everyday challenges.
I've come to a place of acceptance, a kind of "oneness" as a dear friend calls it. A love for life and others I've only recently truly embraced.

I am remembering a dream I just woke up from ... A trip to India, a view out a window of a breathtaking mountain, a family welcoming me in, all of which brought me to tears.

Lessons in life...acceptance of all, a love for all, an appreciation for all.
We all may have different beliefs, but Love conquers ALL....

I am truly blessed, my blessing come from God... A God who created the universe, it's energies, the love that surrounds all of us and His unconditional love for You and Me!

I am reminded by the Holy Spirit...

"judge not lest ye be judged"

And as Jesus told the people...
"He that is without sin among you let him cast the first stone"
Words to truly live by...

If only the world would stop judging others,
Imagine all the Love ....

What will you do today to share the Love?

Living life filled with Love
Seeing the Awe all around
Sharing the Wonder that exists!

(Photos by Aweider)

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