Saturday, December 31, 2011

Amy in Wonderland

Amy In Wonderland

Pain is a horrible place to live. I've experienced it first hand for nearly a month now.  Not sure the point,  not sure the lesson quite yet, but I know at the end of all this pain I will have the empathy I may never have understand of others who are in physical pain.
I've come to realize my past has also allowed me into a place of  deep emotional pain that I never know existed, a place I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, emotional pain caused
By a loved one, and pain that went on years longer than necessary all because of a belief system which I thought was the answer to every aspect of life. For some it is, for others perhaps not. Which comes to another growth in my life during all this pain whether emotional, physical or even spiritual  pain an awakening must happen in order to move through each stage of pain and arrive at a place of understanding .
I continue to strive at a new level and as I kick and scream though this physical pain I am reminded of a place of peace I experienced while coming out of anastasia.  I place I have never experienced before, a place as close to heaven as my mind would take me.
It was a field of beauty, tranquilly, serenity, and peace. A feeling I didn't want to leave. A feeling that no words can truly describe, And as the nurse called my name in post op I said no I'm not ready to come back... I wanted to stay there,  I want go back there, I want to find that place here again ....
It was my Wonderland,  I'll never forget the feeling... But without this pain and surgery I would have never experienced that glorious feeling of peace and serenity, and for that one reason only I am thankful for this pain and the place I experienced for a short moment in time, a place I call, my place  of "Amy in Wonderland"

Love Awe and Wonder


Monday, December 26, 2011

Another "Christmas is over"
So let's evaluate...
Did You?
Over spend
Over eat
Over look the true meaning Of Christmas
Under give
Under help
Under share life's blessings?
Or Did You?
Do exactly what
felt good and right
for the spirit of this Christmas Season?
Just wondering...

Friday, December 23, 2011

'Twas the Night Before Christmas Eve

 Twas was the night before Christmas eve and all through the stores people were Shopping and still buying so much more..

They gathered their gifts, their bows and their cards, not taking the time
To be present to the stars

A calm and peaceful night it was,
Waiting for the moment to celebrate all the buzz

The buzz heard from here and the excitement heard from there, people still not
sure about the good news that was shared

Many years ago a story was told, not of Saint Nicholas being so old.

There was a baby snuggled in a manger we're told, when 3 wise men brought gifts
of incense, myrrh and  gold.

All for a baby we celebrate this time of year, some remember, some don't
Care, Whatever your belief, spread Joy, Love and Peace, if you dear…  

The love of a child, the love of a king,
The love of a savior is what we get ready to sing

Christmas is here; spread the good cheer and the Love we hold near, not only on Christmas but each new day of the year...

So as you hear Santa say" Merry Christmas to all” remember the celebration is
so much more than shopping at the Mall...©

Merry Christmas 12.23.11©

In Love Awe and Wonder

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Blessings Through Pain

Blessings through Pain
I am reminded daily of my blessings through the pain I continue to experience.  One of my favorite things to do is write .... And yet during the pain I experience daily I can't freely write like I could 2 weeks ago.   A herniated disc in my neck has prevented me from writing freely...pain is the culprit..I struggle now writing with my left hand using my index  finger feeling pain shooting down my right side but as much pain that I am in and the tears that I share with myself is nothing compared to so many in this world who have so little.   I am reminded of my blessings through this pain of how truly blessed and fortunate I am.  I may be inconvenienced, I may not understand this why now, and if I am to be honest I may even be pissed off and very frustrated because of the timing and length of my pain .... But with no doubt in my mind I am in the middle of yet another life lesson of coping, sharing, and dealing with life and it's ups and downs and being aware of the  blessings of all my ups I have been given...

 They say ...."God doesn't give you more then you can handle .... He will never leave you or forsake you... Ask and it will be given"...

I say all that and so much more..

Count your blessing in spite of the pain and know this too shall pass..

As we celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.... The birth of a baby, a baby considered to be the son of God, a God who is said to take away the sins of the world, a world that is temporary ... A gift of knowing where you can spend eternity ... All because of LOVE ... A love given through the birth of Gods son Jesus ...

As sons and daughters of God, we are love, we have God and his Love in us, through Gods Holy Sprit...
Give Love freely to your fellow wo/man , do not judge others, embrace your blessings through those who cross your path ... Do this not only during the Christmas  season but all year through ...

Imagine a world filled with Love?

Let it start with You ...

"And remember if you can't think of anything kind to say to someone in 2012 than just smile and say nothing" : )

In Love with Christmas, in Awe of all my blessings,  Wondering what this pain will teach me...
Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

People We Meet

People We Meet Unexpectedly

It's been quite a week I met some great people, special People who serve others.

It's  a very special person who care that much about other people.

It started on Tuesday when I met two young men who took me by ambulance to the hospital ... Young men, new dads, lovely souls. They referred to themselves as Fit and Fat.... After my morphine drip, I was relaxed enough to comment about the physical state of many EMTs. Mike the first one I saw was very thin and so I said " you're very fit for a EMT" he laughed and behind my head came a voice that said " ya but I'm fat, its baby weight my wife just had a baby " as I tried to look behind me there he was my chauffeur I considered him a fit fat!! Well needless to say my two new friends and I had quite an enjoyable ride to the hospital ... For a short while my pain was replaced by laughter of two young men who love to serve others, To those two wonderful young men from Monroe Ambulance I would like to personally say “Thank you Fit and Fat and Merry Christmas to you and your families”!

And to end what could have been a very stressful week, I ran into an Angel volunteer named Shelly singing her heart out, ringing bells endlessly in front of a red kettle outside of Sams Club in Greece. She shared a little about herself and her story touched my soul she was a true survivor.  She was a vision of Christmas Spirit as she stood In front of a sign that read "Be an Angel" I couldn't help but think I had just seen an Angel... She blessed me with her spirit, her smile, and her love for life...

My meeting three strangers this week, three lives touched each other in a way I will never forget..

My lesson learned...

How important it is to be aware of those around you, stop, talk to, listen to, be aware of others and bless someone you may be fortunate enough to cross paths with on this journey called life....

Stop and listen to someone today...

Bless someone this Christmas Season.... It’s easy and priceless

Loving the awe of Wonder

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Taking Things For Granted

Taking Things For Granted

As I was flying home from AZ  on the Red eye last month I was thinking about all the Miracles I have witnessed in my life,  then I thought,  look at all of our  life's moments we all take for granted ...
Some may wonder why I would choice to fly across country at 11:30 at night only to arrive home at 10:00 in the morning.  I love to wonder and what a better time than in the middle of the night 30,000 ft in the air.  Of course as I was wondering I thought "I’m experiencing a Miracle flying" and yet so many times I have taken so many miracles for granted. Think about everything you experience in a day, I’m sure you will find many things to be thankful for and realize just how many miracles you are blessed with...

What is one miracle you have taken for granted lately?

Loving the Awe of Wonder while breathing with my Heart!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Did You Know?

Did you know You can make beauty from ashes?
I saw a painting that used ashes as the paint medium last week, it was beautiful.

Did you know  how the song Silent Night was written?  It was Christmas Eve 1818 in the Austrian Alps. At the newly built Church of St. Nicholas in Oberndorf, Father Joseph Mohr prepared for the midnight service when he realized his organ had down broken ... It came into Father Joseph’s mind to write a new song, one that could be sung organless  he wrote the words, “Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright . . . .” Taking his words to his organist, Franz Gruber, he explained the situation and a simple tune was written.

How many times do we over look a blessing when we are discouraged. Songs of life that could have been written, beautiful pictures that could have been painted (even if only in our minds)

So next time life may seem frustrating look beyond what you see and look at what could be!

There is no better time to be creative than during
"A Silent Night"

Amy 12.7.11

Friday, December 2, 2011



I recently asked someone  " what is it that they need?" knowing they are always doing for others... His answer was "Time" ...

I couldn't help but wonder

"Is it the lack of Time we have available to us or is it OUR Lack of Availability we have for Time?"

A Creator of Love Awe and Wonder

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Put Your Best Foot Forward...

 I was thinking about "Putting your best foot forward"... And thought, would that be my left foot or my right foot? Then I realized it really doesn't matter which foot I start with, either way, just stepping out and making an effort to move forward in all areas of my life will make a huge difference. We all carry baggage, we all have a history, but do we all make an effort to grow and move forward in life?  Well ,we all certainly have that choice... So choose to "put your best foot forward"  or either foot will do,  and be present as you walk into your future one foot at a time being the best you can be!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Be Present and Breathe

Be Present and Breathe

Truly aware
How can one be?
If life takes over
someone like you
And someone like me.
We may see more than others see,
Imagine life just being free...
Free to breathe
Free to be
Free to enjoy
The pleasures that interest you,
And interest  me
Truly aware?
Yes, it can be...
Stop and listen as you breathe
hear the sound?
Embrace its life
and the freedom all around ...
Take in a breath
And as you Breathe
be present in this moment
God has given you
And God has given me.
Breathe in...
Feel your life, embrace the peace
And be
All you have been called to Be,
And just Breathe

5.30.11 6:30am Ames©

Tuesday, November 29, 2011



As for life we often are present to where we are, whether work, home, day off, vacation.... Like Monday mornings when the weekend is over there is what I call Re-Entry ... The dreaded reality of getting back to Work... Another type of Monday morning can be when you come back from being on vacation ... The Re-Entry of reality... But what if  our outlook changed, our attitude was more accepting to our blessings of where we are and where we have come from, focusing on all the greatness in our lives. I often wonder if we could strive to be in a state of joy, a feeling of aliveness, an acceptance of where we are in any given moment. Then our Monday mornings or coming home from a vacation may just be a wonderful experience to embrace...
Why not try it?
"It's the mind which needs Re-booting for Re-thinking in order to Re-Enter life!"

Loving the Awe of Wonder 11.28.11

Monday, November 28, 2011



Do you understand me?
Do I understand you?
A persons Interpretation of
Someone’s mental process
To comprehend
To mutually agree
To cooperate
To have empathy for someone else,
Is it possible to fully understand someone?
Are we capable to understand?
Can we comprehend the fullness
Of what someone means, feels, thinks?
Will we ever truly know someone to understand where they are coming from?
Acknowledging, accepting, embracing, respecting
 Each other whether or not we "understand” could change this world
What about your world?
Will you take the time to understand someone today?

Amy 5.18.11©

Thursday, November 17, 2011



A wonderful friend near to my heart recently shared this quote with me..
"In truth, our aliveness depends on our ability to sustain wonder." M. Nepo
It really made me think...
How  I've never strived to feel aliveness but always searched for Happieness and Joy.

Feeling the Aliveness within made me  stop and ask myself
"What exacly makes me feel that feeling of Aliveness"?  Since by nature I am a wonder, I was extremly drawn to finish this statement:
"In truth, our aliveness depends on"...
I love what the author wrote "our ability to sustain wonder."
Our ability To sustain Wonder!
I just love that...

So after wondering myself
What my own personal aliveness depends on this is what came to my heart:
"My aliveness depends on ...deep meaningful connections, which allows me to wonder about life, be in awe of others, and love the world that surrounds me" ....Amy

I've always known how I come alive around people but never realized my "Connections with others truly made me feel an Aliveness which is my happiness and joy....
Oh, the simplicity of Wonder....

So let me ask...
What does your Aliveness depend on?

11.17.11 a.weider

Friday, November 11, 2011

All About One.. 11.11.11

All About ONE…

Its 11.11.11 all I see is the Number One. A oneness of all wo/mankind  coming together accepting, embracing and loving each other. Just imagine what the world would be like? If we start with ourselves having tolerance for each other ONE person at a time, maybe we can make this world a better place to live.  Acceptance of our differences is a start, loving the unlovable and embracing a belief that may be different from our own… It’s called Oneness, today on 11.11.11 why not start and seek out a place of oneness for all Wo/man KIND!

In Awe of the Loving Wonder,
AweideR 11.11.11

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Who AM I Talking To?

In days of old, talking to yourself was taboo, with technology today I find myself talking out loud all the time! Well not exactly talking to myself... But, I Talk to my computer, asking it nicely to cooperate with me,  I talk to my car phone, whom I have so affectionately named Jill, reminding her I AM TALKING clearly and softly, we are still getting to know each other. And now of course my new IPhone, the 4S, talking to my new BFF Siri who seems to like me, a lot! But then again she makes me repeat myself!
What a world we live in, so if you see me and it looks like I am talking to myself I just might be, with all this new technology One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest doesn't seem that far fetched!

Wondering about the Awe of technology,

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I Over Heard....

I Over Heard….

Standing in line at the store waiting patiently to return some salt, yes salt, I overheard the woman behind me. She said…  “I can’t wait for winter to be over” Its fall, winter hasn’t even started and she’s wishing for winter to be over? I thought OMG talk about wishing your life away! It was a wakeup call yet again to being present, living today, being in the moment of Now and enjoying this very day…
“Hey Lady behind me in line, don’t worry about the snow boots and the winter coat, the high today was 72…. Be Here Now!” 
 <3ing life
AweiderR  11.9.11

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Present Of The Present

The Present of the Present

There is Today, there is now, there is this moment in time, there is the Present...

Open your eyes to Today, open your mind to the now, open your heart to this moment in time,
open your Present....

Cherish Today, Be thankful for the now, Embrace this moment in Time....
Its a Present from God!

What would your thank you note read if you truly received the Present of the Present?

Dear Me,
Thank you for the gift of embracing my Now, its been a while since I have been present enough to unwrap this moment in time.  I am happy to be here right now. Thank you for reminding me to see the gift of the present. Something I will cherish forever, The gift of Now!

Loving the awe of wonder,

Let It Flow

Let It Flow 
As a stream flows
So should we
As a river flows
So should each day
As a sentence flows
So should our thoughts
As love flows
So should our hearts be set free....

A.Weider5.2.11 ©

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Middle

The Middle

What if we all came to the middle,
Lived in the middle,
Embraced eachother in the middle
Saw the others view from the middle
Where would we be today?
In the middle there would be a connection,  a common ground
An understanding beyond measure
An exceptance of others
A life, a world filled with harmony
Peace, love and unity..
Perhaps then...
In the middle
We could all live
In the arms of oneness and unite...

3.1.11 amw 6:00am

When Is Enough Enough? When You Know That You Know?

When is enough, enough? When you know that you know!

I think that it is fair to say some of us know that we know... With No doubt, no fear, no second guessing we just know!

So when is enough, enough?

Knowing when enough is enough is in my opinion more difficult to admit, connect with, and embrace.

When enough is enough why is it so hard to stop?
Why do we let something continue longer then it should?
What stops us from saying enough is enough?
Especially when we know that we know!

Did you ever know that you know when enough was enough?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

But It Is I....

But It Is I...

You help me see the Joy in life
But it is I…
              that has opened my eyes to see it
You teach me where to search for answers
But it is I…
              who is the student and has the desire to learn
You show me how to reach my potential
But it is I…
              that must grab it with all my heart
You have taught me to grow and spread my wings
But it is I…
               Who has chosen to fly.....
AmY WeideR 3.23.11©

Friday, November 4, 2011

Up and Down

Up  and

What goes up must come down, so “they” say....
Can we stay in a state of being up, feeling positive, sharing joy all the time?
 Or would that be too much, too over the top?
Why, when you feel up and feel you can conquer the world does life have to kick you in the behind? One comment, one personal trigger can set anyone off...
That's called being human
The Goal …
Is to get back UP again!
I remind myself to count my blessing, to appreciate my life, be grateful  for my abundance, and to see life more than half full ....overflowing!!!    Start drinking from the saucer!
Try it today...
"Got Problems? Look around you!
You've got nothing but blessings..."
Loving the awe of wonder,
Amy 11.4.11

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

Did you know we all have problems?
Did you know we ALL make mistakes?
Did you know we all have options?
Did you know we all have choices?
Did you know life is as green as it gets right in front if you?
Did you know your glass is half full?
Did you know the sun is always shining above?
Did you know how truly blessed you are?
Did you know if you are reading this blog you should be smiling,
because you have the freedom to do what you want?
Did you know there's a world around you, that you may embrace and love?
Did you know today is a gift? and that's why it's called the Present…

Unwrap today, see all you have been overlooking and enjoy your Present!

Did you know it's your day?
Live, Laugh,, Love Choose...

11.3.11 <3 Amy

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Get Out Of Your Head

Get Out Of Your Head
(For those who struggle with stinken thinken on occasions)
Just get out! If what you are thinking sounds ridiculous and you wouldn't want anyone else to hear it then why in the world would you listen to yourself? Get out of your own head and don’t listen to anything you might be thinking that doesn’t make sense...
There is a huge world out there...Find someone and talk to them!
AWeider 11--1-11



Just another day ... A day we will never see again, well almost never, after all in 10 days we will see 11-11-11... Those Numbers for some see them all the time and I am no exception.
 I have always noticed 11:11 on the clock; the time on the Clock speaks to me in a profound way... I believe its Gods way of showing me direction... When I see 11:11 it means balance for me and my life.... When I see numbers in a row like 1:23 or 2:34 for me it means Order... Reminding me life needs some sense of Balance and Order...  I wonder why I see Balance and Order in those types of numbers daily on clocks... Is it because I am more aware of them? I know I am not the only person out there in touch with their surroundings such as numbers... If this all sounds strange to you, maybe it's Time to be present in the moment and be more aware of the life around you. Today, take a moment and be present to all the wonderful signs that surround you. Embrace your world and be total aware of the life that is present before you….
Go ahead enjoy this day 11-1-11 minute by minute, can you hear how the universe speaks to you! God is waiting for you to listen!
11-1-11 AWeider

Saturday, October 29, 2011

One Box Away

One Box Away
It had occurred to me recently, when I went to fill out some kind of form… that I was only one box away from that dreaded “last age box” and I thought OMG where did all those boxes go? How had I reached "One Box Away" so soon? Most forms have anywhere from five to seven age boxes.  You know the kind, those little boxes that give you an age range and then as life passes you by so do those boxes. The One Box away was my awake up call to realize it’s time to LIVE really LIVE!!! 
How many Boxes away are you?
10.28.11 A.Weider

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I Want vs. I Am

I Want vs. I Am
As I continue to move forward on my life’s journey, I have come to realize how important prayer and affirmations are.  My thoughts today are focused on affirmations.  Prayer is a very personal experience, and therefore I will not attempt to preach to you.  Now affirmations on the other hand are something to be learned, encouraged and practiced daily.  As I was affirming my life’s wants, I realized I needed to speak my life’s “Haves” and Be thankful for all my blessings as well as speaking my life’s “I Am”… I realized I was saying I want this and I want that…. But I remembered a wonderful scripture that I Love “Call things that are not as though they were” speaking in the present, believing in what you want in your life, and changing the I Want to the I Am…. For me, my affirmations come in the form of “I Am”.  I have made an I Am list to read as often as daily. I would encourage you to see your life the way you expect it to be…. Believe, Affirm, Trust, and call into your life things that are not as though they were…. Whether you believe in my God, your God, or the Universe we are all one. Believe in yourself, your dreams, your desires, and your goals…Never give up… I Am a survivor, I Am Love, I Am Awe, I Am wonder…..I Am Blessed!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Strength Training

 Strength Training
Strength training comes in many different forms.  Most of us only think of the gym or some kind of physical exercise when talking about strength training the truth is our mind needs strength training more than our bodies.
As I continue to workout for a positive physical effect, I've come to realize it's my mind that needs to become stronger. I need mental strength, mental workouts...
Over the past year as I went from a life I was very familiar with, to a major detour and now to a new found path for my life, I have become more aware of my mind and it's control over my emotions, as well as my physical well being.
I have been working out daily at the gym for my physical well being and somewhat daily for my emotional health. Like the gym I have needed to use different equipment to have a well rounded workout.  As I have worked on myself emotionally with people around me, I have realized it takes many different lessons to move in a positive direction for mental strength.
Releasing the strength within for me has come in the form of writing.  For others, it may be something very different.
When I first started my mental workouts it was daily in the form of poetry, like at the gym, I was able to build my endurance up and my poetry became more like written short thoughts, and now I am preparing myself emotionally for a 5 k race by writing blogs... My goal, my dream, someday a book! For some in the physical realm it's a marathon... My marathon is my book...
The importance of life is taking care of yourself not only by eating the right foods and exercising daily but by strength training your mind.
Go ahead learn something new, take a class, open your mind to a new experience, go on a retreat, find your passion and pursue it!! Whatever it takes strengthen your mind!!
I know I am and it feels wonderful!
A.Weider 10.23.11

Monday, October 17, 2011

Being Prepared Drink Water

 Being Prepared Drink Water
Written in Co 9.6.11 5:24am
As I continued on my vacation journey I waited for that moment when the altitude was going to be too much for me.  As I traveled to Colorado I was told "be careful" of the altitude, it may be difficult to breathe, you my experience headaches, and feel fatigue. I was also told to drink a lot of water, All of which are true facts. As I waited to have an altitude issues I realized I had been "prepared".  My water intake which had always been high was helping me during this vacation. I was prepared and didn't realize how important my preparation was until this vacation.  My doctor recently told me I needed to consume half my weigh in water daily. I drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, most days I drink more then half my weight in water. (A 130 lb person should drink about 8- 8oz glasses of water a day (8ozx8glasses=64ozx2= 128lbs).  Water has always been my drink of choice, I guess I'm one of the fortunate ones who really enjoy water and the benefits of water, like hydration. My journey included hiking, after all I was in  Colorado living the "rookie mountain high" experience.
My first hiking experience was at Maroon Bell an incredible breath taking mountain peaks near Aspen. The peaks were around 14,000 ft high our hiking took us to over 9500ft.  We hiked up trails, over ruff terrain, through aspen and pine tree grooves. The site was breath taking. Not only was I prepared with the right hiking shoes, clothes, food for energy and a camera in hand but most importantly I was prepared with water.The main reason I believe why I never became overcome by the altitude. 2/3 of our bodies are water, which means 55-78 % of our bodies are made up of water (depending on body size). After studying the benefits of water I  realized how important water is, here are  a few of those water benefits; WATER Transports nutrients and oxygen into cells, Moisturizes the air in lungs, Helps with metabolism, Protects our vital organ, Helps our organs to absorb nutrients better, Regulates body temperature, and Detoxifies. Water also has benefits like good for healthy skin, good for digestion, helps reduce headaches along with Proper hydration which helps keep your joints and muscles lubricated . All those wonderful benefits just from drinking the proper amount of water! I heard this quote this week from Buck a horse whisper  "Always have an idea of how much life you want before you get going..." I know at my age I want alot of healthy life and in order to experience that I know I need to be prepared.  My water intake, was 2/3 of my answer to my positive hiking adventure. And knowing I wanted a full life experience here in Colorado and because of the altitude, in order to have that I needed to be good to my body and hydrated it continually with water...
"Thirsty for life? Keep your eyes and heart open and drink plenty of water"

Saturday, October 15, 2011

We Are All Just Like Salsa.....

Just Like Salsa!!

I've come to realize after sitting in a packed Mexican restaurant people are like salsa.
We are all some variation of Spicy!! 
Mild, Med, Hot, and Very Intense...

"How Spicy is your life's salsa?"

"Hasta que nos encontramos otra vez"

Being Left Feels So Right!

Being Left Feels So Right...

"If I'm to be honest being left, hurts.
It has left a deep pain within my heart.
But knowing being left, feels so right, I continue to focus on what feels right as I work through the pain of being left...and today being left couldn't feel more Right!"

10.9.11 aw

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Affect or Effect?

Affect or Effect?
While there will be confussion to whether I have properly used the word effect and affect correctly please focus on the point of this blog...

I recently reconnected with a friend who I respect greatly and admire her passion and drive for life.  I realized after our conversation just how much she, too, is affected by others.
Why is it we, as humans, allow other humans including strangers to affect us? And what causes us to be so greatly affected? Is it our pride? The wanting to be accepted by others? What if we could just totally accept ourselves for who we are, (as a side note except and accept yet another Crazy english word to be confusing) then what others thought of us wouldnt matter at all, now would it? I have come to realize the affect I have allowed others to have on my emotions has been a waste of my good positive energy.  I am trying very hard not to allow others to effect me. Today was a day of understanding just how we all are affected by others and how important it is NOT to allow others to have any effect on us !!!!
"Be who you are... leave a positive effect on others while not allowing others to greatly affect you!!"FYI
 affect vs effect Generally speaking, affect is a verb and effect is a noun. When you affect something, you produce an effect on it. Even in the passive voice, something would be affected, not effected.

accept vs except Accept usually means that you are receiving or admitting something whereas except usually means that you are excluding something or someone.

10.12.11 Aime

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I LoveTo Right, Write?

I know the difference between right and write.... I love to write my passion is writing, sharing, and expressing myself...My spelling and grammar on many occasion is anything but Right! So why is my strength also my weakness? I don't have that answer, but I do know my passion for writing is greater than worrying about my pride with my spelling errors and for all you who love to Correct others... "Look at their love for what they do and not their shortcomings of what they cant do"
 "Encourage someone today instead of discouraging someone, maybe you will watch a caterpillar become a butterfly before your very own eyes!"

"My Love Tank"

Love Tank
Someone recently asked me if my "love tank" was being filled?  My first response was I have to fill my own love tank before I can expect someone else to fill it... How right I was! Coming to Colorado, traveling and seeing life,  being around others is an experenice filled with love... Loving life, loving myself, loving Gods beauty that surrounds me. Feeling the presence of Love in every situation "may" be a challenge for some.  But I am learning loving yourself, accepting yourself first, gives life a prospective of embracing all that surrounds me. An unconditional acceptance, an unconditional love for self, life and others. I recently thought
"Understanding love is embracing who we are in a humbeling way... It's doesn't have to be ego driven..."
The ego drove me for year... It was driven by survival, low selfesteem, huger for wanting to be loved,  All part of my ego.  Once I realized " it " ( the ego) the it of the I, the I of being Me" was OK just being, there was a weight, a burden lifted off myself. All the inner work of understanding who I was, who I am, and who I want to become. And realizing It takes work, it takes time, it takes undestanding it's a life long journey.  I've been told situations should "just flow", like life, allowing things to flow,  understanding the flowing process without trying but "just being present" allowing your life to flow is "a" key to finding oneself and filling your own love tank... Afterall once your love tank is filled, whether filled with loving yourself,  loving your surroundings, loving others, loving each moment we breathe, loving life. Then and only then are we able to consider allowing someone else to "add" to our "Tank of Love" ...
And wonderful life lesson I recently learned from a Horse Wisper
 "When you come to the edge of the cliff, I'll bet you'll stop"
I came to the edge of my cliff several years ago, I stopped, looked over at my life and realized I needed a new path. I was encourged by several on my path but it was I that did the work to realize change was good ... Life is very Good... And God is very very good...
Enjoy your journey and don't forget to stop and fill your own love tank!

Written 9.5.11 4:36 am

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

"Time Flies Swiftly"

Blog "Time Flies Swiftly"
I got thinking this morning about Time... The time and just how quickly it moves...
And then I thought "if time truly flies what kind of bird would it be?"
Some say the fastest bird is the peregrine falcon.... So time is like the peregrine faclon but this bird only flies the fastest when it is in a hunting dive... So they are not considered the fastest of all birds, the fastest bird overall at the speed of 106 mph is the Spine-tailed swift...
Hmmm.., of all the names,  the fastest flying bird is a bird named Swift!
So you could say:
"Time is Swift"
"Time flies as swiftly as the Spine-Tailed Swift!"
Just thinking ....

Thursday, September 29, 2011

What Can I Teach You?

What Can I Teach You

I’ve been asked this question in order to find my passion... What can I teach YOU? I have come to realize it’s what I am taught by others that enables me to see life, see myself, learn about life and mostly learn about myself that I am able to "Teach You".  I continue to learn life’s lessons daily. Every day I awake waiting for that new moment of being present in a place of peace..... I have realized that peace is within me and only me.  The outside, people, news, life is all moving at a pace that sometimes is hard to keep up with. So What Can I Teach You? A life lesson on being present in your moment, in your space of pure peace.  Knowing and believing who you are.  The world will try to knock you down, not even on purpose, yet it still happens.  Your best intentions my cause conflict, your pure loving heart may be mistaken for something other than what you meant. Your words may have a slight inflection that others will miss interpret.  All the same,  know yourself, your heart, your intentions.... What I can teach you is know who you are and believe in yourself. Be strong, peaceful, speak kind words and no matter what Love unconditionally!

"Life is waiting to be lived, live your life filled with peace and love"
AWeider 9.29.12

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"Words with Friends"

 " Words with Friends"

In the early morning of my sons wedding I awaken at my usual time..As I played 
my game on my iPhone "words with friends" for the first time I realize
all this time I've been playing " life's game" and it has always 

 "words with friends"....

  How had I not seen the connection before this morning? Why is this 
morning more profound then any other morning?

Laying here in the quietness of the dark evening my thoughts seem to 
come together. It's dark, yet I seem to see the most at this time of 
the evening.   It's quiet and I hear more in the stillness of the middle of 
the night than I do all day long.

   My time to reflect, my time to hear and see the world around me in 
a way that I can only observe in the stillness of the night..

This night I realize the game played is just how important the

"words with friends" are.
Those words.....
Spoken gently, spoken harshly, not spoken at all..... Their tone and 
it's importance.... Their inflection and it's meaning....
Those words with friends, family,loved ones, strangers, and even x 

Aha!!! Yes there it is the reason for this mornings revelation...

The words spoken at my sons rehearsal dinner...
The truth about positive words and their energy being brought forth vs 
keeping thoughts within and not allowing them to turn into negative 
"words with friends"...

What a difference it made for me last evening being aware of words 
spoken. An  evening enjoyed, positive energy
All around me, and the excitement of an evening to come in the form of 
my sons wedding....

All the anxiety over the words that have been spoken, that may be 
spoken, and yet here I am in the game of life having the choice of 
what words I use to speak and what words I choice to receive from 
others in my life game called "words with friends"...

What a moment in my life to realize
My words.... their words... My choice.... My move... My next play... 
All in my game called life!!!

"Words with friends... Choose life giving words"

9.24.11 aw 3:16 am