A wonderful friend near to my heart recently shared this quote with me..
"In truth, our aliveness depends on our ability to sustain wonder." M. Nepo
It really made me think...
How I've never strived to feel aliveness but always searched for Happieness and Joy.
Feeling the Aliveness within made me stop and ask myself
"What exacly makes me feel that feeling of Aliveness"? Since by nature I am a wonder, I was extremly drawn to finish this statement:
"In truth, our aliveness depends on"...
I love what the author wrote "our ability to sustain wonder."
Our ability To sustain Wonder!
I just love that...
So after wondering myself
What my own personal aliveness depends on this is what came to my heart:
"My aliveness depends on ...deep meaningful connections, which allows me to wonder about life, be in awe of others, and love the world that surrounds me" ....Amy
I've always known how I come alive around people but never realized my "Connections with others truly made me feel an Aliveness which is my happiness and joy....
Oh, the simplicity of Wonder....
So let me ask...
What does your Aliveness depend on?
11.17.11 a.weider
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