Love Tank
Someone recently asked me if my "love tank" was being filled? My first response was I have to fill my own love tank before I can expect someone else to fill it... How right I was! Coming to Colorado, traveling and seeing life, being around others is an experenice filled with love... Loving life, loving myself, loving Gods beauty that surrounds me. Feeling the presence of Love in every situation "may" be a challenge for some. But I am learning loving yourself, accepting yourself first, gives life a prospective of embracing all that surrounds me. An unconditional acceptance, an unconditional love for self, life and others. I recently thought
"Understanding love is embracing who we are in a humbeling way... It's doesn't have to be ego driven..."
The ego drove me for year... It was driven by survival, low selfesteem, huger for wanting to be loved, All part of my ego. Once I realized " it " ( the ego) the it of the I, the I of being Me" was OK just being, there was a weight, a burden lifted off myself. All the inner work of understanding who I was, who I am, and who I want to become. And realizing It takes work, it takes time, it takes undestanding it's a life long journey. I've been told situations should "just flow", like life, allowing things to flow, understanding the flowing process without trying but "just being present" allowing your life to flow is "a" key to finding oneself and filling your own love tank... Afterall once your love tank is filled, whether filled with loving yourself, loving your surroundings, loving others, loving each moment we breathe, loving life. Then and only then are we able to consider allowing someone else to "add" to our "Tank of Love" ...
And wonderful life lesson I recently learned from a Horse Wisper
"When you come to the edge of the cliff, I'll bet you'll stop"
I came to the edge of my cliff several years ago, I stopped, looked over at my life and realized I needed a new path. I was encourged by several on my path but it was I that did the work to realize change was good ... Life is very Good... And God is very very good...
Enjoy your journey and don't forget to stop and fill your own love tank!
Written 9.5.11 4:36 am
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