Saturday, December 22, 2012

Old Man Winter

Old Man Winter and Mother Nature

I got wondering about... Old Man Winter, knowing the snow was arriving this weekend...
And I thought...
What about Mother Nature?
Mother Nature is what dictates Old Man winter, well will you look at that... What a family!
The women ultimately is in control of the man... Mother Nature deciding just when Old Man Winter will arrive, how much of himself he should share and when it's time for him to leave...

So why not Father Nature and Old Broad Winter? Well, I think we know the answer to that! For one thing Father Nature wouldn't stop and ask for directions so we know that would mess things up! And Old Broad Winter? Well, she could take a really long time to get here... Especially if she's on her own schedule!

So maybe, just maybe, the law of nature is as perfect as it should be...

And here we are... It's 12.22.12 and we are all still here...
Thank you Mother Nature

Love being in Awe...while loving the Wonder of it all...

What are some life thoughts you think about?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy! Good to see you at the Ali's.....looking forward to reading more! Stay in touch! - Rick
