Thursday, March 29, 2012

What I Said...

What I Said "..."

"What I said and what you heard isn't what I meant"

Sometimes, somewhere between what is said and what is heard isn't what is meant....
How could that be ?
I'm not you and you are not me...

What is someone intension?
Their intent?

According to the website Definitions the meaning of Intent is:
"determined or resolved; having the mind or will fixed on some goal"

"Mind or will Fixed on some goal" makes me wonder just how often

"what Is said and what you heard isn't what was meant"
happens so innocently.

I have to believe the good in Wo/Mankind that most of us don't have the INTENT to say something that would offend another...
It happens, it may even happen often,
"what they said and what you heard isn't what they meant"

So for all those times, what you heard wasn't someones intent!

Wondering why?

1 comment:

  1. I always find the difference between what is said and what is "heard" to be so insteresting. I'm glad that someone blogged about it :) great blog by the way.
