Saturday, March 31, 2012

Leaving Love Behind

Leaving Love Behind

How do we do that, Leave love behind?
Looking into the future without looking into the past?
The past is what has brought us to the present.
The past has a value of growth, an understanding of life's wisdom and the knowledge of moving forward.
Without the past we would not be where we are in the present...
So, although many say to be present,
I say:
"Embrace the past, knowing it has made you who you are in the present"

 "Leaving love behind" isn't easy, living in the present  while "leaving love behind" takes strength, moving into the future "leaving love behind" is personal growth"...

Wondering about Love in the present...

More Power To "IT"!

"Don't Allow Anyone
To Take " IT" Away"

Let's define "IT"
"IT" is what drives me,
That IT that comes once in a blue moon.
So what is IT?
Why driven by IT?
Where did IT come from?
Some refer to its "IT factor"
Others say "they just have IT"
IT is a powerful force...
Being driven by IT
Motivated by IT
Knowing my passion is all because of IT!
Do most understand the power of IT?
"IT" just may be the answer to life's question!

So don't allow anyone to take "IT" from you, be strong, be courageous,
Live life, embrace Love and don't ever let go of "IT"...

In awe of IT's wonder...

Friday, March 30, 2012

Tv or Reality?

A View I couldn't experience watching TV 

How Big Is Your TV?(Confessions from a TV Junkie)

"What you are watching, may be what your life is missing"

I turned my Television off several years ago for the summer, I realized I was a TV junkie my choice of "TV Programing drug" was Reality TV...
I was a junkie... I couldn't get enough!
I knew I needed to do something, so I went cold turkey and turned off the TV from May to September 2008.

I didn't turn it back on till November of that year, I was afraid I would become addicted once again, but I didn't, I was free from living through the lives on TV and I took my life back!!!

I highly recommend the patch!
Except this one goes over your EYES, unlike the one on TV which smokers wear on their arms... Just kidding of course!

Once I starting watching TV again I limited myself to an hour a day.
I want years paying thousands of dollars for cable and rarely used it.
I would call the cable company to cancel but inevitably they would make me a deal and I just couldn't bring myself to canceling it,  Another sign of a controlled TV junkie...

FINALLY I did it, I CANCELED cable!!! It was a HUGE moment for me to free myself from the ability to have hundreds of channels at my finger tips...
I was now a reformed TV  Reality junkie with only 7 lame stations to choose from...

It was the best decision I could have made... I was finally Free, Free to live life, Free to See life, Free to embrace life... To this day I may watch 3-4 hours a week, YES a week....
t's freeing, it's allowing me to be present with me, it's given me a new sense of MY OWN REALITY!

I won't judge you for the amount of time you watch TV,
I may even join you for an hour or two...

But this I know for sure

"What I Stopped watching, was what my life was missing,

As Part of my reality I am taking a Road Trip to SC which has been on my Bucket list... I'll Be Blogging my adventure, stay tuned!

In Awe of My Own Reality

Sun Son

The Sun  
The Son

Sun and Son
"The Light of the World"

Ever think about words and their meaning?

Today, for me, it's the words
Sun and Son.

My son once told me
"Mom I'm so bright, you can call me sun" A play on words, and I thought how cute for a little boy!

I find the similarity very interesting between those two words.
Sun and Son, for some reason they have a connection to the Christian faith for me.
In the bible John 9:5 NIV
Jesus said:
"While I am in the world,
I am the light of the world."

The Son is referred to as Gods son Jesus who is the"light of the world" and then there is the Sun in the sky which is also "the light of the world".

Why do you suppose that is?

Two different spellings,  same meaning. 
Both the "Light  of the world".

That's the kind of stuff that keeps me wondering!!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

What I Said...

What I Said "..."

"What I said and what you heard isn't what I meant"

Sometimes, somewhere between what is said and what is heard isn't what is meant....
How could that be ?
I'm not you and you are not me...

What is someone intension?
Their intent?

According to the website Definitions the meaning of Intent is:
"determined or resolved; having the mind or will fixed on some goal"

"Mind or will Fixed on some goal" makes me wonder just how often

"what Is said and what you heard isn't what was meant"
happens so innocently.

I have to believe the good in Wo/Mankind that most of us don't have the INTENT to say something that would offend another...
It happens, it may even happen often,
"what they said and what you heard isn't what they meant"

So for all those times, what you heard wasn't someones intent!

Wondering why?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012



I posted this quote the other day about silence...

"In the silence, is where the conversation begins"
which got me wondering about silence even more....

And then I thought

"In the silence is where the truth is spoken"

I have experienced this first hand...

"Where there is silence, there is the truth about what is being said, that has not been heard!"

Now that's something to Wonder about...

Monday, March 26, 2012

In The Silence..

I heard this quote ...

"In the silence, is where the conversation begins"
(believed to be from the Native Americans)

I love this quote, and it reminded me of a connection I once made...

It was in the silence were we connected for the first time... It was that silence were our conversation began... It was in that silence were our yearnings were answered... it was in that silence were I fell in Love....

Then there was life...filled with noise...

Still In awe of Love!



What do you think of when you hear the word Love?

A yearning, a memory, a desire, a person?

Love is the most complete emotion.
With love comes the most incredible Joy, and with love comes the deepest heartache.

Love allows you to feel emotions you never knew you had.

Why would the feeling of Love be so wonderful yet so painful?

A desire and a feeling we long to have, knowing it's ability to wound when love is lost...

So does the feeling of Love over shadow the pain of lost love?

To love or not to love, that is the question...

To Love is to Live

To loose love is to find love again ...

In awe of Love

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Love What You Do?

There is so much life to live, so many wonderful teachers to learn from... Here's one:

"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do" rumi

Imagine doing what you love daily...
What would that look like?

Imagine the beautiful feeling of what you love...
What would that feel like?

Do you know what you love to do?
Do you do it daily?

Imagine feeling Joy, Peace and Contentment daily...
What puts that joy in your heart and that peace in your soul ?

Maybe it's time to...

"Let the beauty of what you Love be what you do!"

The wonder of Love...

Saturday, March 24, 2012



Ever feel invisible? Sometimes I wonder about people and how they feel, And sometimes I wonder about myself and how others see me.

It seems like who we are on the outside is seen differently than who we feel we are from within. That's not a bad thing, sometimes others see us more authentically than we can see our selves.

So are we invisible to ourselves or to others?

Have you ever felt invisible to others? Been in a situation and wasn't introduced, or knowledge before people that you felt you should have been ?

Certainly, caring about someone and feeling invisible isn't a healthy way to connect....

You are ultimately in control of your own visibility.... Like the windshield wipers on a car, "turn on", clear your view and make sure not only can you see others, but others can see you!

In awe of wondering...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Lost Purpose...

I saw a wonderful movie called Hugo...

So many messages, but what I want to share was this

"If you lose your purpose it's like you're broken" Wow!

How many people struggle to find their purpose in life?

Most people I know at some point in their life at the very least, question their purpose...

So losing or not having a purpose and feeling "Broken" makes perfect sense.

I love wondering.... I often question my purpose and wonder how often I have felt broken not knowing what it was been on occasion.

Our purpose in life changes, like the seasons in our life!

Awareness of purpose helps complete the desire to feel fulfilled within our soul ...

Do you know your purpose?
Do you strive to fulfill your purpose?

Just wondering ....

A Poem Called "Emotions"

Happy, Sad , Mad or Glad...

Emotions come and
Emotions go
People say "they don't know".
Feel your way to being present,
Knowing life, is but a fleeting second!
Emotions come and
Emotions go
Life is yours to embrace and know.
One day the sun is shining,
The next it rains.
Like the weather
It may be time for a change!
See the sun, now the clouds,
Sometimes it rains and then it snows,
Embrace your life no matter where you may go...
It's yours to live, Yours to know..
Live today, as the wind may blow...
Live free, and see, a life made to be,
Filled with Peace and Joy...
And set yourself free!

AmY WeideR 3.23.12

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What Would God Say?

What Would God Say?

Ever think about God?
Your life and it's purpose?
Are you doing and being enough ?
(How much is enough anyway?)

What would God say about your life?

All the conflicts in this world are so fleeting... Life itself is fleeting !

We worry, we fear, we strive, we become anxious, we get angry, we "wee, wee, wee," all the way home ....

I can't help but wonder, what if we all made an effort to focus on the blessings and were grateful for everything in our lives.

We focused on all our gifts, including the people that cross our path by embracing and accepting each other, what a beautiful world we would live in ...

Today look at someone or a situation through the eyes of God.
Loving, accepting, unconditional eyes...

God is LOVE
LOVE Today

Embrace your day with God and your day will be filled with Love...

Then you will know for sure,
What God would say !

In awe of Love...
In awe of God...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Stepping Stones...

Who Are Your Stepping Stones ?

I am so grateful God has placed the people he has in my path as my "stepping stones" in my stream called life....

Those stones, in a stream of water are there to help us cross to the other side.
Freely allowing the water to flow through and around us for personal growth...

As I grow I am grateful for my life, my love, my lessons...

Who has God placed in your "stream of life" to help you cross to the other side?

Grateful, grateful, grateful ....I Am!

In Awe...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I'm speechless with life right now...

Writers block ?

Processing life and its situations?
In awe of life's circumstances?
Too busy counting my blessings?
Thinking about life and it's infinite lessons?

So much to learn, so many gifts to open, so many lives to touch...

"Life is precious, Love is magical,
Laughter is the souls voice..."

Be present today and see life, love and laughter in all their vivid colors!

In Awe!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday, A Day of Rest?

Sunday, A Day Of Rest?

Ever notice how busy Wegmans is on a Sunday ?

What ever happened to Sunday being a " day of rest"?

A day to reflect, a day to be thankful, a day to include God, a day to spend with those you love, a day of rest...

Back in the day, stores were closed or at the least opened later, people went to church and then families gathered for an afternoon meal, with 4 Channels and one household TV available people sat together and watched the same program, bonded, talked and connected ...

Today ... well, you know the routine!
Go, Go, Go... And if you stop for a day of rest that usually means a Nap!

What does your "day of rest" look like?

Just wondering....

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Letting Go to Grow...

Letting Go...

Letting go of something you love for the benefit of personal growth isn't always easy....

It takes the compete picture were all parties involved are involved !
If one isn't on the same playing field it's time to walk off the field and move on...

Moving on takes time, patience and strength

Time to heal
Patience with your own personal growth
Strength to know you can preserver

Personal Growth is a gift you give yourself, sometimes at the expense of heartache and pain. But in order to move forward in life and grow, experiences In life are not always easy and many times challenging...

Easy isn't challenging.. .
Difficult is fulfilling

So next time you find yourself in a difficult situation that seems to be challenging remember how fulfilled you will be when you preserve through the situation...

The challenge is only in your mind
So think about what you are thinking about... Get yourself out of your own mind and watch as you personally grow...

In Awe of Loving yourself ...

Friday, March 16, 2012

Quick, Slow, Slow!

Quick, Slow,Slow!!

One of my favorite quotes comes from the book of James in Scripture...

" Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry"
(James 1:19 NIV)

This wisdom from one of Jesus disciples James is so amazing...

If only...
We ALL used that advice!

Marriages might be saved,
Family feuds may be avoided,
Parents and children may communicate better,
Friends may stay friends,
People may understand, love and forgive one another....
The world may be a more peaceful place to Live!

If only....
Everyone would be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry....

In Awe of

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Life Of A Hermit Crab...

The Life of a Hermit Crab...

As I was walking on the beach yesterday I noticed all these holes in the sand ...
Good size holes, not small ones like the sand pipers make on the shore.

As I approached the holes I realized hundreds of hermit crabs were scattering back into their homes, their very own dark hole.

It had me wondering about the life of a hermit crab...
Living in its own little world, and when someone gets to close they head for their dark hole.

Not a very exciting life. How many people do you know that may live like a hermit crab?

Maybe not physically but many Emotionally....

They are in the world living around others and as soon as someone gets to close they scatter and bury their emotions and feelings in a dark hole inside themselves....

Well there is a life to be lived and shared with others... Being Vulnerable is a wonderful quality, it means you are living life, experiencing life, embracing life and loving life outside of the dark hole!

There is a very bright, wonderful world to experience, if you choose not to bury yourself in a dark hole....

Just writing as I wonder! Aw

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Creating Love, Awe and Wonder

Creating Love, Awe and Wonder

I love to write,
I love to Love,
Many times in life I am in Awe
I love to Wonder!

I've come to realize we live in a would of choice....
Here on earth we choose
Heaven or Hell
We can allow others to choose for us, by how we react or interact with them.
Choose for yourself,
Love life, share emotions, communicate, and respect others and live.

Heaven is within you,
Hell is a place others want to see you go.

They can't send you without your permission...

Choose Heaven and be thankful for all the blessings around you...

Love Wondering about wondering...
<3 aMy

So Dam Lonely

"So Dam Lonely"

Lyrics from a song I heard on a face book page tonight ....
"So Dam Lonely"

It got me wondering....
Can most of us say "so dam lonely"
At some point in our life?

Even those with lots of friends around, may feel "so dam lonely" on occasion.
Why is that?

Why can we have people all around us daily, friends, acquaintances, family and yet there are moments of feeling
"So Dam Lonely"

Do you think any one person can escape that feeling completely?

In Awe of just Wondering....

Tuesday, March 13, 2012



There's an intention to be had,
Feelings to be spared.
What was said, wasn't meant,
What was heard, wasn't the intent.
Don't take it personal when
Something seems so wrong.
First ask yourself,
What was the intention,
And was it meant to harm?
Forgiveness is a gift,
You may think to give away.
But true forgiveness is the one, you give yourself and keep it close to say,
"Please forgive me that wasn't my intent"
Hurt feelings is the last thing I would have ever meant...

Aweider 3.12.12

Monday, March 12, 2012

Is It So Hard?

Is It So Hard?

Is it so hard to just be Nice?
Nice to yourself, nice to others?

I was on a trolley this past weekend, the sun shining the ocean beautiful, people friendly..

And there she was, one miserable woman! One out of 70, trying to poison the rest of us...

It was fun to watch as her meanness, her negative dark energy tried to prevail only to be thwarted by a trolley filled with very happy, pleasant, content people...

It was apparent it was so hard for her to be nice, but it didn't bother the rest of us, we all just felt sad for her!

So next time you happen to come across someone not so nice...
Be Nice, it's not that hard!

In Awe of Living...

It Takes Two...

It Takes Two...

Two to tango
So they say,
Two to be in love
For both to stay.
It takes two oars
To row a boat,
Paddling it straight
Going in circles is a big mistake.
Two hands to clap
And show their gratitude.
Two ears to hear,
Ones Positive attitude...
It takes Two slices of bread
to make a sandwich
Two people to Spoon
And make their own niche!
Two to tango
so they say,
It takes Two,
To be in a committed relationship
For both to stay...

3.11.12 aw

Friday, March 9, 2012

Untie The knots...

Untie The Knots

Have your thoughts ever been tired up in knots?

You know what you need to do, you know how to get to the other side, you know how to move ahead after life tries to send you in the wrong direction.... And yet, it takes more time then you thought!

Your thoughts are " tired up in knots"
It's time to untie them, like knots you untie, it may take longer than you anticipated...

So as long as you are aware they are there, take your time, untie the knots, those thoughts that hold you back and see just how freeing your mind will be...

It's time to untie those knots no matter how tight they may be!

The wonder of ...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What Do You love?

"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do" Rumi

I've struggled for years with the question " what do you do?"
And yet there's my answer from the 1200's the poet Rumi writes:

"Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do"

What I love is people, connection, wondering, learning, photography, and writing...

I have BS in Health Science, I have BE in life, and my MSW a Master of Self Wondering about life... : )
what more do I need?

I smile, as I think of society and the pressure I've felt over the years to be something that has a title that the world looks at as an "accepted" career...

I've been many things in life but none more fulfilling than a mother, and a writer of wondering..
I am proud of my accomplishments,

And I am excited about continuing to do...

"What I love, knowing its "What I do!"

A creator of Love, Awe, and Wonder!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Leaving On A Jet Plane

"Leaving On A Jet Plane"

That song popped into my head yesterday morning and I still can't get it out!

I've been thinking about the words to John Denver's song:

"Kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go"

Wondering about experiencing that much love...

"Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again"

In awe of truly being Loved...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Stepping Out

Stepping Out..

I was challenged to "keeping it real" when I wrote my entry on my blog yesterday, at least I felt challenged.

So as I stepped out of my comfort zone and shared from a vulnerable side it was very interesting the inner peace I felt by releasing an inner
fear/feeling that has been on my heart.

By sharing those words, something in me was freed...

And in a strange way it was the beginning of stepping out into a new perspective for me. A perspective of looking, living and making a conscious effort in being present to today without lingering in the past or worrying about the future....

For me, my written words are a way to cleanse, express and heal in many circumstances... I am able to express a part of my inner depth written more easily than verbally...

A gift that was recently given to me by a friend who opened a door, then held it open until I was able to step through...

"Stepping out" through a door that had been shut for many years, has given me a freedom beyond anything I could have imagined...

What a gift, what a friend, what a door to step through!

A creator of Love, Awe and Wonder

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Keeping It Real

Keeping It Real

Moving forward towards a complete wholeness all while keeping it real!

Why do you suppose you can move 2 steps forward on our journey in life and every once in awhile move a step back? Isn't the idea of growth moving forward in life? Yet, we seem to slip backwards, and admitting it would be the part of "keeping it real."

"Real" for me is being in a place of the unknown right now . If I'm to live in the present moment, and not live in the past or think about the future then keeping it real, and embracing the present by myself scares me. I guess deep down there is some fear, simply put, I'm afraid.

I feel there is a missing connection, but realizing that connection starts with me. What is it? And why do I feel this way? Why the lack of connection with myself? Where did the disconnect come from?

Do others feel this fear?
Do others have a disconnect with self?
Can I be the only one?
Either way...
It's my Journey, to find my way with my connection to myself ....

And man oh man, Am I striving to reconnect with me!!! : )

Just keeping it real...

All while wondering...

Saturday, March 3, 2012



Mahalo in Hawaiian means that you are very thankful for something that some one else does.....

I love that word Mahalo,

Being thankful for something that someone does, what a way to live...

In a state of gratitude, thankfulness
A state of Mahalo! A sincere appreciation for blessings or help we have received.

I have many people and situations in my life that I feel blessed for all there help and therefore I can say Mahalo to all of you!

However it also means Hello or goodbye

So for now

In wonderment of words....

Friday, March 2, 2012



Life is filled with teachers.
Some obvious
Others, gifts unexpected
Co workers
All Teachers!

And who teaches who ?

The one open and hungry to grow and learn,

The one aware that life, with all it's wisdom has so much to offer when we can be aware of the teachings happening all around us...

The one who knows no limitations of oneself and embraces life and all it has to offer ...

The student learns from the teacher
The teacher, sometimes becomes the student.

The lesson when open to growth:

We are all teachers, we are all students! We all learn from one another...

In Awe of life lessons...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Enjoy Joy

EnJoy Joy...

Joy is a place I'd love to live everyday of my life....
Reality is a place I live!

I was wondering about how to just enjoy life on a daily basis...
In spite of " life on a daily basis"

Joy, Enjoy, Enjoying, Enjoyment...

Joy is:
a feeling or state of great delight or happiness; keen pleasure; elation.

Enjoy to:
Derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in

so if I could ...
stay in a state of delight or happiness and receive pleasure from "life on a daily basis"
Then I could live in a place of Joy!

That got me wondering...
What gives me the most Joy?
For me it is....
To others
To Friends
To strangers
To a companion
To Writing
To learning about life

And I am still learning how to connect with the most important connection in my life...
To Self....

And you? What brings you Joy?

Creating Love Awe and Wonder ...