Tuesday, January 31, 2012



We all have them,
But Do we all admit to having them?
We may see each other as strong women And a lot of the times we are. 
But I have come to learn
Our strength can be our weakness!

What do you fear?

I don't fear much, 
but what I do fear is my own human weakness.. 

The frailty of not being good enough, letting someone down, hurting someone unintentionally.. 

The fear of being judged, not meeting my full potential, and not being loved, truly loved and accepted for who I am.

Funny how the human strength and determination becomes the  biggest weakness for some ...

I was reminded this past weekend watching a recent story of a beautiful actress who looked to the world as a strong independent women that had it all,  yet her  fears almost took her life... 

Life is too precious not to love, embrace, accept, and be real with who we are,  fears and all....

So What do you fear the most?

For me
It's fear itself!! 

"Love cast out all fear"

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hello, How Are You Doing?


I read this quote this morning:

"Meeting the  days with our hearts prevents collapse "
mark nepo

And of course it got me thinking and wondering…

How many hello's, hi's, how are you doing? truly come from our heart?

What if we took the time to truly mean what we say with all of our heart...
 really care about how the other person is doing…
Taking a moment to listen to someone… not just hear them but truly listen with our whole heart...

Imagine the smile we could put on someone's face and on someone's heart, that will certainly "prevent collapse"…

and if you're wondering what 
"prevents collapse" means
To me...it means disappointment

What does it mean to you?

The wonder : ) 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Growing In Self Love...

We have two choices in life, the first one is to stand still and do nothing the second is to grow and continue to grow to be the healthiest you could possibly be.

Growing isn't always easy, but it's priceless as you continue to be more than you ever thought you could be.

One of the most important things in growing is loving yourself truly learning how to and accepting the love for yourself.

I'm not talking about the kind of love that is arrogant or self-righteous.

The love I'm talking about is knowing that you are worthy of loving yourself of being loved by others.  Knowing you are worthy of acceptance, of tolerance, of whatever it is that you yearn for and is in your hearts desire.

We all have yearnings, we all have desires, and we all are worthy of achieving our dreams and desires.

Think about truly loving yourself and think about the areas that need a little more attention than you realized. Take the time and focus on those areas and speak love,  life and affirmations into yourself knowing that you are worthy of your desires.

Take time to love yourself and then take a lifetime to be in love with someone else.

In love with learning to love myself in a very healthy way.

Awe... Wonder of Self Love !

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Within Reach?

 Within Reach

Have you ever just wanted something so much,  desires something so much, yearn for something so much and it was just out of reach? 

You know it's something so right  and it's within reach but you just can't  quite figure out how to grab a hold of it?

 So does that make it within reach or just out of reach?

I always believed that you must let go, and let fate take over,  and  trust whatever shell be shell be! 

Sometimes  believing getting on your knees and praying for strength knowing whatever happens is exactly what is meant to be...

I still believe in both of those actions... but I also have come to realize... 

What if  picturing, believing, changing your thoughts, and praying, to  manifest what you see within reach can come to pass?

And Instead of speaking, it's just out of reach,  believing it is within reach!

Believing  you can have anything that you can dream, imagine,  picture, hoped-for and desire...

Hey, it's certainly worth a try!

I imagined that I would write a blog and people would read it and what are you doing right now?

Thanks for making my dreams come true!

Having this passion that I love to  write  and to have others read my writings was "just within reach"! 

Now... To write a book and have it on the best-sellers list,  it's time to dream and dream big...
I must believe that "it is within reach"

In Awe and Wonder of my  dreams!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Honoring Your/My Truth

Honoring Your Truth...

Sometimes honoring our truth  is a journey. It's a journey that takes time and takes patience. It's a journey that takes love and understanding. It's a journey worth taking. There are all kinds of emotions you will experience, there are hills to climb, scenery to see, people to experience. During this journey honoring your truth, lessons  are learned, emotions are experienced, and love is embraced. Honoring your truth on your journey is as simple as being on the right road, going in the right direction, finding the right destination, and when you arrive you will know that you are finally home. 
For me Home is a place of peace, serenity, love, acceptance, contentment, joy, and if you're blessed a connection to someone who's independent enough to be dependent on love....

In Wonder of Love!

Thursday, January 19, 2012



Have  you been promised something and not received it?

"I will go before you and make the crooked places straight...”
(Isaiah 45:2, NKJ)

The Bible says that God makes a promise to us that he will make our crooked places straight... 

It seems like I've had a lot of crooked places lately and I look forward to God making them straight again…

In awe of God!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thinking of Disney ... Thinking of Favorite Places!

Thinking of Disney .. 

Just writing the word Disney puts a smile on my face.
It's that time year again, the memories of the past fill my mind of all the wonderful times spent  in Florida at Disney World. 
Why then is Disney such a magical place for me?
Its a place to be a kid again, a place far away from everyday life,  a place to dream about dreams.  A place that takes me  within my heart, fills it with Joy and  makes me speechless...
There are few people, places and situations that have ever made me speechless Disney is one of them, the birth of my daughter, and falling in love with someone as unique and charming as Mickey Mouse himself ! 
I love Disney, I love the feeling I have entering the parks, I love the joy I feel  when  I am on the Disney property, the people,  the characters, the atmosphere and most importantly the energy and how it makes me feel…
I love Disney and it is certainly one of my favorite things and places to be!

Where is  your favorite place to be?

The Love of being in Awe of Disney!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Goal Is A Dream With A Deadline ...

A Goal Is A Dream With A Deadline

I was watching a Spiritual Cinema movie about young magicians.  A young man by the name of Bill Koch said
"A goal is a dream with a deadline, my dream with a deadline is excellence" 
The wonderer  that I am, got me thinking ...
All the  goals I have ever set for myself I'm not sure that I ever had a deadline, or knew what the drive was. Could the deadline and the drive be the answer for something I've been missing to achieving any of my life goals? 
It's certainly something worth thinking about, the deadline, and the drive. An exact date set on the calendar, and a specific purpose, the drive of why the goal was set in the first place. 
But  not only did this young man state that he set a goal with the deadline, he went one step further  to be very specific about exactly what the  drive for his dream meant to him, and for him it was always excellence.

What do your dreams and your goals mean to you? 
What is your drive for your dreams?

I must ask myself  the same question,
What is my goal, when is my deadline, and what exactly does it all mean to me?

It is certainly something to ponder, something to wonder about, something to ask and keep asking until the goals, the purpose and the drives are achieved  by the deadlines that were set…

Always wondering.!

Monday, January 16, 2012

We All Have Baggage!

 We All Have Baggage!
Have you ever tried carrying something around with you that you really didn't want?
Today's society calls at baggage… We all have baggage from our past our present and worrying about our future. I realized this morning out of frustration the baggage I recently have had to carry is  baggage called pain.
Most people carry emotional baggage around with them, my baggage,  I don't seem to be able to unload, is in the form of pain. 
I am very frustrated from this pain, because it's with me and  I am reminded of it every moment of the day...
So what if I can mentally remove this physical baggage.
I'm reminded by friend to think about positive things, things that make me feel good,  happy times, my "favorite things"... could it really be that easy? Could I make my pain go away at least for that moment if I think of my favorite things? Can My mind even stay focused on my favorite things for longer than a few moments?
I've tried, I'll continue try and honestly sometimes it works…
But my minds reality is my arm is in pain even after surgery which is what really frustrates me.
I'm not the kind of person to stay frustrated for a long time. This pain has kept me in a place that I'm not used to being. I have things to do, I have places to go and people to see. But for some reason,  someone up there wants my attention, or at the very least  wants me to be in place of stillness so I can be present to my baggage, mental , emotional, physical, which can only make me stronger and all those areas . They say… "This too shall pass" I look forward to the passing of this pain and the lesson that I will have learned during this season in my life. I consider all this frustration and all this pain "Just another life lesson"so here are a few of my favorite things…
Spending time with , touching,  holding,connecting to those I love,  being creative and  writing, connecting with new people… and of course   "girl's in white dresses with blue satin sashes, snowflakes that stay and my nose and eyelashes"....

What are a few of your favorite things?
Next time you are in physical or emotional pain perhaps think about a few of your favorite things, 
Instead of focusing on any of your baggage…
In Awe of wondering why?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Those Who Can,  Do  or At The Very Least Try!

Those Who Can,  Do 
or at the very least try....

I was reminded by my 10-year-old daughter years ago that there are doers and talkers in this world.
She said "mommy you are a doer"
I'll never forget that day in the car. I remember thinking who told you about talkers and doers so I asked her and of course she said "I don't know , I was just thinking some people are talkers and you're a doer, you say we are  going to go on a vacation and we go" so that day I was reminded that I am a doer and although sometimes things take time more time than we anticipate, or obstacles get in our way, there's still that determination, to, at the very least try. And as I continue to try to get back to being a doer, I know it's just a matter of time before I will become my old self and be that doer  my 10-year-old daughter saw in me once again.
And by the way I guess she learned something from me after all,  at 25 years old she
received her first doctorate In audiology, now that's truly a Doer!!! 
So, what are you ? 
a Talker or a Doer?

Love the wonder and am in awe of my daughter!

Friday, January 13, 2012

"I Have Fun Wherever I Go!"

"I Have Fun Wherever I Go!"
Who knew, that I would run into a joyful fun-loving woman this cold snowy day. I had been out of the house since seven this morning and six hours later I found myself standing in the sales aisle  at Wegmans.A section I rarely visit, but for some reason today I was drawn to that small  aisle where there was a woman standing looking at candlestick holders. A beautiful tall blond woman in her late 50's/early 60s gently aged and stunning, her name was Susie,  she is a flight attendant on her way tomorrow morning to of all places Beijing. I said to her "I want your life" and she said “no you don't" she smiled, and I smiled, as I commented on the candlestick holders that were in her hand,making her aware that the hole would  probably be too big for a candle stick. Come to find out I was right and she thanked me.
I connected with this stranger named Susie today. I shared with her about my business
called  RestyleEyes, a business involving candlesticks and so much more… A business we call “staging to stay”. She seemed very interested and took my card and said she would be e-mailing me, and to look for Susie from United. We smiled and talked and she was sharing about being an airline stewardess for 42 years  of course the TV show came up. She mentioned how her and her friends love the show PanAm. I can only imagine how beautiful she was as an airline stewardess 42 years ago, since she was so stunning and beautiful still today. Her energy caught my attention and as we were walking to our cars into snow storm  I said," Susie have fun in Beijing"  Susie turned to me
and said "I have fun wherever I go. .."A statement which will stay with me forever
"I have fun wherever I go" Meeting a stranger today changed my life, and I must say, it is one of my favorite things that could possibly  happened to me...
Try it… Meet a stranger and Have Fun wherever you go!
In Wonder of the Awe of meeting a stranger…

Saturday, January 7, 2012

PAIN in the Neck !

P penetrating
A annoying 
I irritating 
N nuisance 

H healthy
E excellence 
A active 
L living life 

Love Awe and Wondering....

Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Daddy

I Still Have a Daddy!

87 years old , and I see him as 50 something... Yet how can that be, since I'm 50 something?  

Oh, how the  mind can play games with us!!

Well,  none the "more" ( Aware of words spoken)  I have a wonderful daddy, which I am truly thankful for. 
I wonder just how many can say they had " the worlds best dad " I'm not sure he was the " worlds best dad" but to me he was/is a dad who loves, cares for, embraces with compassion, who is always there to listen and is a calming presence when I need a sense of  normalcy the most.  

I still have a daddy, and during difficult times when I need him most, he is there for me.

A priceless treasure, a gift from above, a warm comfortable place I can go to and feel a smile,  receive a hug be loved unconditionally and be a little girl again, and just be me.  

What more could I ask for on this 5 th day of the 1 st month of 2012. !
I am thankful for my daddy, the love he has given me freely and the memories I will always cherish. 

His Love  showed me the Awe of Wonder!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Words Spoken...

Words and there Importance

"Stop dead in my tracks"
Is a saying I have heard many times and something that came to my mind this morning after a feeling of frustration of not being in a position to be able to do Exactly what I physically want at this point in my recuperation stage from surgery.

But what I realized which is so much more  important is what I am thinking and the words I am using about how I am feeling...
" to stop dead in my tracks" is such a negative thought on so many levels,  so as I continue to become Aware of my life, my energy, my circumstance 
I am realizing the importance of speaking and knowing the power of my words along with my thoughts...

I may not be able to do exactly what I want at this moment but

 "It's just a matter of a short time that my  life train will be moving at full speed on my life tracks"!!
Now  those are words to live by...

How about your words spoken? Any verbal changes to make to change your thoughts ?

Just wondering ... 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Shape and Sort Ball

Shape and Sort Ball

I woke up thinking about a blue and red plastic ( Tupperware  plastic to be exact) ball called the shape and sort ball ( I believe) 
My thoughts on this childhood toy is the lesson we should have learned at the age of 3 years old.  

The life lesson of realizing that if a round ball doesn't fit into a square hole then we must Move on and try again to find the match that is just right to allow what you hold in your hand to easily fit into the shape on the ball that you choose.

A life lesson I have become aware of...

 A metaphor for life and knowing when it's time to move onto the next shape, the next opening which perfectly matches the piece you hold in your hand...

Could it be all these years I've been trying to put a round ball into a square hole?

Wondering  about the Awe of Love

Monday, January 2, 2012

"Full Bloom"

Full Bloom

 I waited so long to be watered

 Sat dry for so many years.

Yearning for a tender touch,

And Music that would bring tears…

I see the "Full bloom" now

The beauty of its care

All I needed was someone to be there.

You allowed me to be

Encouraged me to see

And showed me how to be me......

Your gentle touch,

Encouraging words

that poured out of that heart of yours

Allowed me, this "Full Bloom"

As Its beauty sat

Waiting for someone to come into my room.

This Christmas was the perfect time

to see my heart’s desire

Its blossom now Full bloom

Filled with Love that many will admire.

As I flourish and grow with you by my side

There is no longer a reason not to confide

It took someone to believe in me, someone to care

Someone I love and hold so dear...

You nurtured this "Full Bloom"

You watered it as you shared

You brought this beauty back to life

After so many dying years...

It’s that Ray of Sun, that Ray of light

That has made this Christmas plant

come to life

a bud, a blossom, now a "Full Bloom"

all because you walked into my room..

The beauty of this blossom

Is yours to behold

as we continue to move forward, 

as we grow old....

Amy Weider
 12.25.10 3:30 pm ©

Awareness 1.2.12

1.2.12 Awareness

Today's date is just one example of truly being Aware...

Aware of each and every moment that surrounds your life...

One of my new year commitments to myself is being present each day to my day, the present of my Now, my moment in time and how I can live that moment to its fullest in a light of a feeling of being present to my life and the world that surrounds me.

Over the years I have lived for this or lived for that ... Waiting for this or waiting for that ... Allowing the outside circumstances of my life to change to fit my yearnings and desires only to realize it hasn't happened and I'm still waiting for the change for my life from the outside to fit the desires of my inside, my heart, my longing of what I can visualize for myself.

I realized this 2nd day of the 1st month of 2012 that each and everyday I must be present, I must be aware of each day, the "present" each moment brings... And being present to each new day is my commitment to myself and to see each new day in the light of Love, looking at this day differently then I have in the past. By being present to my day, my life, my journey...

Today I am still recuperating from disc surgery,
And so...

Today I choose to be thankful for this 2nd day of the 1st month of 2012 ..

1-2-12 and I am thankful for a date that makes me smile and I am thankful for my life and my blessings which  I choose to embrace this very day...

I have become AWARE of my life, and how I spend my energy...
I choose to spend it wisely, in a peaceful, joy filled loving environment , where my yearnings deep within are aware of my hearts desire...

What do you choose to be Aware this day?

Living in a state of "love awe and wonder"...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year...

Starting Over ... Again?

Here we go again. The first of January 2012 OMG !!! There are so many 1st of January I can recall as if it was yesterday... 1968 I was 10 and at an age of realizing how new years eve was a special night to bring in a new year..  Then there was 1976 when I was about to graduate that year from high school and I just about knew everything I needed to get through life.. Of course 1984 that new year I was a new mom so much for the exciting evening celebration. The new year of 1992 starting a new life and living happily ever after.... Then the year we all waited for to see what would happen to the computers 2000!!! TaDa!!!
It came and went like every other year.... 
All the years, all the parties, all those New Year Resolutions... And here we are 2012 another year to look forward to, another year of the unknown, another year of ups and downs, tears and cheers, love and laughter, dreams if we dare...
A year all our own, a year we can choose the outcome, a year to move forward or stand still, ring in the Joy, peace and love ... A year, if we are blessed enough we will see another new years eve in 365 days. 
So what are your plans, goals, new year resolutions? A new year, a new day, a new you...
Happy 2012!!