Thursday, September 29, 2011

What Can I Teach You?

What Can I Teach You

I’ve been asked this question in order to find my passion... What can I teach YOU? I have come to realize it’s what I am taught by others that enables me to see life, see myself, learn about life and mostly learn about myself that I am able to "Teach You".  I continue to learn life’s lessons daily. Every day I awake waiting for that new moment of being present in a place of peace..... I have realized that peace is within me and only me.  The outside, people, news, life is all moving at a pace that sometimes is hard to keep up with. So What Can I Teach You? A life lesson on being present in your moment, in your space of pure peace.  Knowing and believing who you are.  The world will try to knock you down, not even on purpose, yet it still happens.  Your best intentions my cause conflict, your pure loving heart may be mistaken for something other than what you meant. Your words may have a slight inflection that others will miss interpret.  All the same,  know yourself, your heart, your intentions.... What I can teach you is know who you are and believe in yourself. Be strong, peaceful, speak kind words and no matter what Love unconditionally!

"Life is waiting to be lived, live your life filled with peace and love"
AWeider 9.29.12

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"Words with Friends"

 " Words with Friends"

In the early morning of my sons wedding I awaken at my usual time..As I played 
my game on my iPhone "words with friends" for the first time I realize
all this time I've been playing " life's game" and it has always 

 "words with friends"....

  How had I not seen the connection before this morning? Why is this 
morning more profound then any other morning?

Laying here in the quietness of the dark evening my thoughts seem to 
come together. It's dark, yet I seem to see the most at this time of 
the evening.   It's quiet and I hear more in the stillness of the middle of 
the night than I do all day long.

   My time to reflect, my time to hear and see the world around me in 
a way that I can only observe in the stillness of the night..

This night I realize the game played is just how important the

"words with friends" are.
Those words.....
Spoken gently, spoken harshly, not spoken at all..... Their tone and 
it's importance.... Their inflection and it's meaning....
Those words with friends, family,loved ones, strangers, and even x 

Aha!!! Yes there it is the reason for this mornings revelation...

The words spoken at my sons rehearsal dinner...
The truth about positive words and their energy being brought forth vs 
keeping thoughts within and not allowing them to turn into negative 
"words with friends"...

What a difference it made for me last evening being aware of words 
spoken. An  evening enjoyed, positive energy
All around me, and the excitement of an evening to come in the form of 
my sons wedding....

All the anxiety over the words that have been spoken, that may be 
spoken, and yet here I am in the game of life having the choice of 
what words I use to speak and what words I choice to receive from 
others in my life game called "words with friends"...

What a moment in my life to realize
My words.... their words... My choice.... My move... My next play... 
All in my game called life!!!

"Words with friends... Choose life giving words"

9.24.11 aw 3:16 am